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Work as MPHW (M), Pharmacist (27 posts) in Government of Odisha

Clinical research courses

Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from eligible candidates for following posts under the Chief District Medical Officer, Khordha to be filled on contractual basis with monthly remuneration mentioned against each of the post.
The Candidates must not be below the age of 21 years or above 32 years as on 1.6.2013. The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in case of SC & ST & SEBC candidates, and 10 years in case of physically handicapped / Ex- Serviceman candidates. Age relaxation is however applicable in respect of one category only. The ORV Act and Rule will be applicable for these contractual recruitment.

Post: MPHW (M), Pharmacist

Name of the Post: MPHW (M)
Regular- ST-12, SC- 05, SEBC-05
NRHM- ST-01, SC-01, SEBC-01, UR-02
Remuneration: Rs.5200/- P.M.
Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy courses passed from any of 3 (three) Govt.Medical Colleges of the state or from any other AICTE/Pharmacy Council of India approved institution & having registration in the Odisha pharmacy council.

Name of the Post: Pharmacist
Regular- ST-03, SC- 03, SEBC-05
Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy courses passed from any of 3 (three) Govt.Medical Colleges of the state or from any other AICTE/Pharmacy Council of India approved institution & having registration in the Odisha pharmacy council.

The appointment is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Selection will be made on merit basis as per marks obtained in the examination of required qualification. No additional weightage will be given for higher qualification. Candidates, who are already working in Health Department either on regular or contractual basis, have to apply through proper channel.
Application form and details can be downloaded from the district website i.e Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are to apply in prescribed application format to the undersigned by Registered post/ Speed Post/ Courier on or before 15.7.2013. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the name of the post applied for. Incomplete application or application received after due date shall be rejected. Authority shall not be held responsible for the postal delay.

List of short listed candidates will be published on District Website on 20.7.2013 & the last date of receiving objection, if any is 22.7.2013. ( If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material, information or furnished false information/ documents, his/ her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information/ documents, his/ her service shall be terminated forthwith. Candidates who have been disengaged previously on administrative ground such as disobedience/ poor performance/ misbehaviour/ criminal activity etc, are not eligible to apply. No personal correspondences/ enquiry will be entertained in this matter. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate to be disqualified for the post.
The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and modify/ cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.


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