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Applications invited from Graduate in Pharmacy for Chief Analyst, Manufacturing Pharmacist in PGIMS

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following Misc Class-II vacant posts in Pt. B.D. Sharma Post-graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak on the prescribed form of the application which can be downloaded from the website by enclosing a crossed Demand Draft worth Rs.500/- for General Categories and Rs.125/- for Reserve Categories in the name of the Controller of Finance, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak. Applications form complete in all respects, must reach the office of the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment & Establishment Cell, UHS, Rohtak by 30.7.2013 at 5.00 P.M.

Post: Chief Analyst, Manufacturing Pharmacist

Chief Analyst
No.of post: 01(GC)
Qualifications and experience:

i) Graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
ii) Approved as Analytical Chemist by licening authority in the testing/analysis of large volume parenterals specifed schedule C and C(1) under the drugs cosmetics rules, 1945.
iii) Three years experience in testing or analysis of large volume of parenterals on whole time basis in recognized Medical College Hospital manufacturing unit or in a Govt. testing Laboratory or in Pharmaceutical Industry or Laboratory of repute;
iv) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300- 34800+Rs.5400/- GP+ allowances

Manufacturing Pharmacist
No.of post: 01(GC)
Qualifications and experience:

i) Graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
ii) Approved as Manufacturing Chemist by the licening authority in the Manufacturing of large volume parenterals specified schedule C and C(1) under the drugs cosmetics rules, 1945.
iii) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric.
Preferential Experience:
Preference will be given to candidates having experience on whole time basis in the Manufacturing of large volume parenterals in the recognized Medical College Hospital Unit or in a Pharmaceutical Industry in a repute.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300- 34800+Rs.5400/- GP+ allowances

Age: For Not less than 17 years or not more than 40 years of age on the last date of Receipt of applications.

Note :
1. These posts will be governed by the Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak Act, 2008 as amended/to be amended from time to time.
2. The degree of undergraduate/postgraduate/DM/M.Ch/Ph.D not recognized by the MCI will render the candidate ineligible
3. These posts will be Governed by the PT. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak Act, 2008/Haryana Medical Education Department Miscellaneous (Group B) Service Rules, 1999 (amended/to be amended from time to time).
4. The qualification and experience will be counted upto the last date of receipt of applications.

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1. The candidate already in Govt./Semi Govt./Corporation or Autonomous Body Service should apply through proper channel and he/she may send an advance copy of the application to avoid delay but the application through proper channel must reach in due course of time.
2. The candidate who is in service will have to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ from his/her parent department/employer at the time of interview otherwise he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview.
3. Submission of incomplete application i.e. without attested copies of testimonials/ academic career, experience certificate/attempt certificate may render the candidate ineligible.
4. Number of posts are liable to increase or decrease either way, including complete withdrawal.
5. The abbreviation ‘GC’ stands for General Category.
6. A passport-size photograph, duly attested, be affixed on the application form.
7. The candidates, who wish to apply for more than one Post, should submit separate application form for each specialty.
8. Adequate knowledge of Hindi is essential for posts shown as above.
9. The applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Closing Date: 30.7.2013

Advt. No. A-IV/V/05/2013


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