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Application are invited for Pharmacist in Administration of Daman & Diu

Clinical research courses

The edict of the Emperor Ashoka (273 to 136 B.C) was found in Saurashtra and Sopara near Bombay. Satrya Kshatrapas under the Kushana emperor seemed to have ruled over Daman District during the first century, A.D. The Coins of Bhumaka and Nahapan, the kshaharata rulers were discovered in the surrounding areas of Surat District. Ushavadatta, son-in-law of Nahapan, is said to have provided ferries on rivers Dhanuha Dhamana, Parada and Tapi.

Application are invited for filling up the following posts in the Directorate of Medical & Health Services, U. T Administration of Daman & Diu from the eligible local candidates who possess the required Educational Qualification and experience as shown below:-

Post: Pharmacist

No of post: 01 (ST)

Educational Qualification:
1) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution.
2) Registration from Pharmacy Council of any State.
3) One year experience in dispensing the drugs.
Desirable: Knowledge of local language.

Age limit: Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable for Govt. Servant upto 5 years.

The candidates should submit applications in prescribed Format with latest photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer giving full details regarding Educational and other Qualification, Date of Birth, Experience etc. accompanied with attested copies of each certificate so as to reach the office of the Director, Directorate of Medical & Health Services, Primary Health Centre, Moti Daman 396 220 on or before 15/07/2013. The applications received with requisite documents as stated above shall only be taken into consideration and if received within the stipulated time. No correspondence will be entertained as regards incomplete/time barred applications. Applicant must attach experience Certificate without which application will be rejected. The candidates are required Domicile Certificate of U.T. of Daman & Diu issued by the Mamlatdar, Daman / Diu.(Application form attached).



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