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Walk-in Interview for grant of Innovation Award in National Biodesign Alliance Programme-THSTI

Clinical research courses

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India has initiated a multi-institutional partnership program on biodesign called the National Bio design Alliance Programme between Translational Health Science & Technology Institute (THSTI), Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ( ICGEB), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore.

This National Bio design Alliance Program will be coordinated by an extramural secretariat established at THSTI which is an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. THSTI has been developed as part of the interdisciplinary Health Biotech Science Cluster that will come up in Faridabad within 2 years; the interim laboratories are functioning from Gurgaon.

The primary mission of the National Biodesign Alliance Programme is to promote science and application related to affordable implants, devices, in-vitro diagnostics and imaging. The programme will promote an effective translational route of basic findings ultimately into routine applications of major importance, through a multidisciplinary approach, combining new biomarkers, novel technological concepts and clinical expertise. Major areas of research in the field of in -vitro diagnostics will include protein and antibody engineering, detection technologies and concepts, nucleic acid diagnostics, new clinical markers, decentralized diagnostics (Point -of-Care), bio-organic chemistry diagnostic technologies, bio-affinity test concepts and systems, micro-fluidics, miniaturization, different reporter alternatives and multiplexing. Engineers, clinicians, bio scientists, physical scientists with skills and interests in technology innovation, automation and instrument design, implants and devices, technology transfer activities, and product validation will work together to fulfill the mission of the program.

Walk-in interview is proposed to be held on 25th July, 2012 between 10 am to 5 pm at the above address to fill up the following position:-

Name of the Post : Innovation Awardee

Number of Positions :3

Age Limit :40 yrs

Consolidated Emoluments : Rs. 40,000/-

Tenure : 4 years

Job Description:
*Work in the area of innovative approaches to diagnostics and applications. Biomarker discovery.
* Screening of antibody libraries for novel binders for pathogens. Novel methods for nucleic acid testing. Point -of-care multiplexed format of testing for diseases.
* Grant for equipment, computational and communication facilities, consumables, contingencies and travel required for the proposed innovation project submitted along with the application will be met from the core grant of the biodesign program on in-vitro diagnostics.

Essential requirements:
* Applicant should possess a PhD / MD / M.Tech in any branch of Medicine / Science (Life / Chemical / Physical / Engg.).
* Applicants, who have submit ted their thesis and awaiting their degree, are also eligible to apply. Applicants should have a proven/ outstanding track record as evident from research publications and recognitions.

National Biodesign Alliance Programme
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute
(An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)
470, Udyog Vihar Phase III, Gurgaon- 122 016
Recruitment Notice No: THS/RN/13/2012

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