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Multiple vacancy in Markfed|Manager(QC), Quality Control Incharge, Dy.General Manager, Chemist, Micro Biologist

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One of Asia’s largest Co-operatives, manufacturing, distributing and Marketing a wide range of products: Vanaspati, Fertilizer, Insecticides, Canned food products etc.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the recruitment of below mentioned posts accompanied by two passport size photographs of the candidate, copies of the certificates/ testimonials self attested and fee as per proforma appended below. The other details are given as under:-

Post: Manager(QC), Quality Control Incharge, Dy.General Manager, Chemist, MicroBiologist

For Kapurthala Plant
No.of posts: 1
Qualification & Experience
i) M.Sc (Chemistry)
ii) 5 years experience in relevant Industrial Unit.
 i) Should possess knowledge of Punjabi of matriculation standard.
ii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
Pay Band 10300-34800 +Grade Pay 5400/- initial pay Rs.20300/- plus allowances admissible.

For Khanna Plant
Quality Control Incharge
No.of post:
Qualification & experience
i) M.Sc (Chemistry)
ii) 5 years Experience in Vanaspati & Refined Oil Industries.
i) Should possess knowledge of Punjabi of matriculation standard.
ii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
Pay Band 10300-34800 +Grade Pay 5000/- initial pay Rs.18450/- plus allowances admissible.

For Markfed Agro Chemicals Mohali
1. Dy. General Manager:
a) No. of post: 1
Pay Band 15600-39100 +Grade Pay 7800/- initial pay Rs.31520/- plus allowances admissible.
b) Qualification & experience
i) M.Sc Chemistry 1st division./ B.E. Chemical Engg. with 3 years Experience for handling of pesticide Unit.
ii) B.Sc.(with Chemistry) in 1st Division and MBA with 3 years experience of handling of pesticide Unit.
i) Should possess knowledge of Punjabi of matriculation standard.
ii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
2. Chemist
a) No. of post: 1
Pay Band 10300-34800 +Grade Pay 3800/- initial pay Rs.14590/- plus allowances admissible.
b) Qualification & experience
i) B.Sc 1st division with Chemistry.
ii) 3 years experience of working in Lab of pesticide Unit.
i) Should possess knowledge of Punjabi of matriculation standard.
ii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.

For Markfed Canneries Jalandhar
2. Micro Biologist
a) No. of post:
Pay Band 10300-34800 +Grade Pay 5000/- initial pay Rs.18450/- plus allowances admissible.
b) Qualification & experience
i) M.Sc. (Microbiology).
ii) 2 years experience of industry or testing laboratory.
i) Should possess knowledge of Punjabi of matriculation standard.
ii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.

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Note: The experience required for the posts mentioned above shall be reckoned from the date of passing the highest requisite qualification. Those posts requiring knowledge of M.S. office qualification, certificate of computer application issued by a recognized institution is essential. However, no separate certificate is required for candidates who have passed computer as a subject during 10+2/ Graduation/ Post Graduation level.

Fee: (a) General Category Rs.700/- (b) SC/ST Rs.350/-. (c) All the ex-serviceman of Punjab are exempted from the payment of fee. The requisite fees shall be accepted only in the shape of crossed bank draft/ pay order/ banker cheque in favour of The Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Limited payable at Chandigarh. Candidate should write his name & address on the back side of bank draft/ pay order/ banker cheque.

Age : Candidate should be between 18-37 years as on 1.1.2012. Upper age limit is relaxable to the extent of 5 years for Schedule Caste/ Tribe/ Backward Classes and up to 10 years for physically handicapped persons. Ex-serviceman shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of GOI from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit, prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy according to Govt. instructions, by more than 3 years, he shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding upper age limit. Applicants in Govt. service shall be eligible up to 45 years of age. Govt. servants must send advance copies of their applications in the prescribed proforma alongwith requisite fee and copies of certificates by the prescribed date. However, they will be considered for selection only if their applications through proper channel are received or “No objection certificate” from the department concerned is furnished at any time before the selection process. Reservation shall be as per policy / instructions of the Punjab Govt. It shall include the candidates of:- SC/ST/BC/Physically handicapped /Ex-Serviceman/Lineal Descendents of Ex- Serviceman/Wards of Freedom Fighter and Sports person. The Sports person seeking reservation under sports quota should apply with sports gradation certificate issued by Director Sports, Punjab as per latest instructions of Govt. of Punjab.

Selection procedure: Selection of all posts except Steno-typist will be based on written examination only. There will be no interview. The merit will be prepared on the basis of this written examination only. The question paper will be bilingual (both in English & Punjabi) except the questions on languages. It will have 100 objective type questions with multiple choice answers each carrying one mark, as detailed below:- (1) Language Proficiency (Punjabi- 10 question + English -10 question) 20 questions. (2) General Knowledge / awareness - 20 questions. (3) Mathematical Skill( Matric level) - 10 questions (4) Mental Ability/ IQ determination- 10 questions. (5) As per prescribed qualifications for job related – 40 questions.

Note: Minimum qualifying marks for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes shall be 30% (Thirty percent) and for candidates of general and other categories shall be 35% (Thirty Five percent) of total marks of the written examination. There will be no negative marking. In case some qualifying candidates obtain equal marks then for selection, preference will be given to the person older in age. For the post of Steno Typist, stenography test on the prescribed speed, as mentioned at Sr.No.11 will be conducted instead of written examination. The passing of the Stenography Test is compulsory. The final merit list of candidates will be prepared on the basis of %age of marks obtained in the Graduation of only those candidates who will qualify the Stenography test.

Examination Center: Chandigarh. No TA, DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the written test.
Any surplus employee of the closed Co-operative Spinning Mill in Punjab and Budhlada Co-operative Sugar Mills, Budhlada may apply against the post in case they fulfill the requisite qualification in terms of the instructions dated 25.11.1997 issued by RCS, Punjab. Any retrenched employees of Markfed Sugar and allied Industries, Malout may also apply in case they fulfill the requisite qualification in accordance with the orders in CWP No.3925 of 2010 titled as Harjinder Singh and other vs. The Punjab State Co-operative supply and marketing Federation Ltd. & others. In case any candidate of these organizations found eligible for any post, number of posts shall be decreased accordingly”.

The MD Markfed reserves the right to modify the number of posts advertised and modify or withdraw the recruitment notice without assigning any reason. The decision of the MD Markfed will be absolute and final in this regard.

How to apply. The candidate should specify on the top of the envelop word-Advt. No.- Name and category of the posts applied for. The complete application form should be sent by Registered post/ Courier/ By Hand to the Managing Director, The Punjab State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation Ltd. (MARKFED), Plot No.4, Sector 35-B, Chandigarh. The last date of receipt of applications the prescribed format shall be on 13.8.2012 before 5 PM. No application shall be entertained after this date & time. The organization will not be responsible for delayed receipt of applications even on account of postal delay. If any information / certificates / documents is found false at any stage, the candidate shall be liable for disqualification and prosecution. The incomplete application form in any respect shall be liable to be rejected.

The recruitment SHALL BE MADE SUBJECT TO 100% VERIFICATION OF TESTIMONIALS AND SHALL LIABLE TO BE DECLARED NULL AND VOID ABINITIO WITHOUT ANY NOTICE WHATSOEVER IN CASE ANY DOCUMENT IS FOUND FAKE OR FORGED. Criminal complaints shall be lodged against such candidates by the Markfed besides civil proceedings to make recoveries of salary and other emoluments paid.

In case any applicant apply for more than one post he will have to submit separate application for each of the category with requisite fee.

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