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Job as Post of Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant in Institute of Life Sciences

Clinical research courses

An Associate Institute of the University of Hyderabad, the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) is a not-for-profit institute that aims to conduct innovative research in unifying areas of chemistry, biology and chemical biology. Our goal is to create and foster a research culture where chemists and biologists work together to generate original ideas, and generate experimental data which can lead to novel therapies for human disease and an improvement in quality of life. Training future generations of scientists working at the interface.

Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant

No of Posts: One (Chemistry)

Name of the project:
“Development of Nature-Inspired Small Molecules to Modulate Prostaglandin Pathway: Exploration of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Biology in Zebrafish’’ funded by DST.

Minimum Prescribed Educational Qualification (Chemistry):
M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry or equivalent degree with minimum 50% marks/equivalent grade. Preference will be given to the candidates who have cleared CSIR-UGC JRF/NET (LS) / GATE or equivalent examinations.

Job Code: ILS-DST/RM/9NISM/11

Preference will be given to the candidates having research experience of more than one year.

Rs. 16000/-p.m. + 30% HRA (Rs. 20800/-p.m.) for first 2 years and Rs. 18000/-p.m. + 30% HRA (Rs. 23400/-p.m.) in the 3rd year. Candidates other than CSIR-UGC JRF qualification will be given Rs. 12000/-p. m + 30% HRA.

Tenure of the post:
Initially for one year extendable for further one year subject to continuation of project and satisfactory performance of the incumbent.

Last Date of Application: July 31, 2012

General Information:
•Send application by email in Ms-word/ adobe PDF format mentioning the job code in subject line, if not the application will be declined.
•Appointment is temporary & will terminate automatically without any notice on termination of the project.
•The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment in funding agency or in ILS.
•Appointment of the applicant will be governed by the terms and conditions of the funding agency.
•The qualification prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Universities/Institutions.
•Based on the recommendations of the screening committee, the institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for the interview.
•No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing for the interview.
•Selected candidates will have to join duty immediately on receipt of the offer.

Note: The print out of the prescribed application form sent to us by email signed and dated by the applicant along with recent passport size photograph and photocopies of relevant certificates in support of age, qualification, experience etc. will be collected at the time of interview. Applicant has to bring all the original certificates at the time of interview for the purpose of verification.

Institute of Life Science (ILS), Hyderabad, India invites applications for the following position on contract basis: Applicants should send the application by email addressed to attaching duly filled Application Form kept under this advertisement on or before July 31, 2012.

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