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Government invites Pharmacist in Western Central Railway - Fresher can apply

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The newly carved West Central Railway Zone with its headquarters at Jabalpur comprises of Jabalpur and Bhopal divisions of erstwhile Central Railway and Kota division of erstwhile Western Railway. The formal gazette notification announcing the formation of this new zonal railway was issued on 4th July 2002 by the Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India.

Post: Pharmacist

Pay Band: Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2800

No. of Post: 1

Educational Qualificaton: 10+2 in Science or equivalent with Diploma in Pharmacy and registration with Indian Pharmacy Council or State Pharmacy Council (enclose certificate).

Age(as on 1.7.2012): 20 to 40

Medical Standard: C-2

Note : Relaxation in upper age limit is given to OBC candidates by 3 years; to SC/ST candidates by 5 years; and for residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir by 2 years.

(i) Before applying for any post, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility norms. The candidates should have the requisite Educational/Technical qualification from the recognized University/institution as on the closing date of submission of the application. Those awaiting results of the final exams need not apply.
(ii) The candidates who have been debarred for life from all RRB/RRC examinations or the candidates who have been debarred for a specified period which is not yet completed, need not apply in response to this employment notice. Their candidature will be rejected during any stage of recruitment as and when detected.
(iii) Application should be filled by the candidates either in Hindi or English in his/her own handwriting and must sign as well as put his/her Thumb impression at the prescribed space. The signature must be in running hand and not in block capital or disjoined letters. The signatures in the application form, information sheet, Answer sheet, Question Booklet and at the time of document verification should be identical.
(iv) Candidates should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation /High School Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate as on the date of submission of the applications will only be accepted.
(v) Dates of the Written examination and results will be published in the Employment News/Rojgar samachar and local Dailies newspapers. They will also be displayed on the web site of West Central Railway “”. Call letters for the written examination will be sent to the candidates by posts. The list of eligible and ineligible candidates will be posted in the web site at least one week prior to the written examination. West Central Railway will not be responsible for any Postal delay/wrong delivery of call letters/rejection letters. West Central Railway is not bound to intimate candidates who are not selected in the written examination or any other test.
(vi) Selected candidates will require to under-go training where ever prescribed for the posts.
(vii) Emoluments on initial appointment will be minimum pay of the pay band plus Grade Pay plus other allowances admissible at the relevant time. During the training period only stipend will be paid as applicable as per rules. Candidates may have to give security deposit and execute indemnity Bond where ever necessary.
(viii) Persons with Disability are exempted from paying any Examination Fees.
(ix) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC Community should submit their Caste Certificate in the prescribed format as per Annexure „A? & „B?, applicable under Government of India rules issued by any of the following authorities :-
Collector/Dy. Collector, Tahsildar/Executive Magistrate, District Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Sub/Divisional Magistrate, Taluka Magistrate/Stipendiary Assistant Commissioner (Not below the Rank of First Class Magistrate) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate or his family resides.
(x) Physically Handicapped Certificate issued by Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchange or Vocational Rehabilitation Centre or by Civil Surgeon where such Board does not exist should be enclosed in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure „C?.
(xi) Visually handicapped candidates / those candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy can avail the assistance of SCRIBE for writing answers on their behalf. For engaging the SCRIBE, the candidate will have to suitably inform the SRD-PH CELL, West Central Railway, Jabalpur in advance as per Annexure- „D?. The engagement of SCRIBE will be subject to the following conditions:
a) The candidates will have to arrange their own SCRIBES at their own cost during the examination. Separate Admit Cards will be issue to the SCRIBE accompanying the Visually Handicapped candidates. Admit cards should contain the particulars and Photograph of the SCRIBE duly signed by him/her.
b) The academic qualification of the SCRIBE should be one grade below the qualification prescribed for the post for which recruitment is being made.
c) The SCRIBE can be of any academic discipline if the recruitment is for general post. It the recruitment is for a specialized post, he/she should be from a discipline different from that of a candidate. The Visually handicapped candidate shall be responsible for any misconduct on the part of the SCRIBE brought by him/her. The under taking, as given in Annexure „D? should be submitted by the Visually handicapped candidates/whose writing speed is effected by Cerebral Palsy, along with his/her application.
d) The candidates as well as the SCRIBE will have to give a suitable undertaking (Annexure – „D?) along with the application confirming that the SCRIBE fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a SCRIBE as mentioned above. In case it transpires later that he/she did not fulfil any of the laid down eligibility criteria or there has been suppression of material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled irrespective of the result of examination.
e) Candidates availing the assistance of a Scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of examination.
f) The SCRIBE will read out the questions to the candidates and on the candidate stating clearly answer against each question, the scribe will write/indicate the same. An invigilator shall exclusively be posted with every VH candidate who have opted to avail the assistance of a scribe. The invigilator shall sit along side the scribe who will sit opposite the VH candidate so that conversation between the scribe and VH candidate could be overheard by the invigilator who shall ensure that only the answers spelt out by the candidate are written/indicated by the scribe on the answer book.
g) The scribe will not make any gesture, sound or any other forms of communication designed to indicate to the candidate the correctness or otherwise of an answer being recorded by him. Any such attempt would entail disqualification of candidate stringent action will be taken against both the candidate and the scribe.
h) Conversation between the candidate and the scribe should not disturb in any way the peace in the examination hall or the other candidates seated in the examination hall/room.
i) The VH candidates may be allowed to use TAILOR FRAME AND BRAIL SLATE WITH PAPER for solving arithmetic problems and they will have to bring their own TAILOR FRAME AND BRAIL SLATE WITH PAPER in the examination hall. Partially blind candidates who are able to read normal question paper set for all the candidates and to write/indicate the answer with the help of Magnifying Glass may be
allowed to use Magnifying Glass in the examination hall but they shall not be allowed the help of a scribe. Such candidates may bring their own Magnifying Glass in the examination hall. However, they shall not be provided with the question paper meant for VH candidates who require the assistance of a scribe.

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4. (a) Candidate should note that wherever it is mentioned to submit separate application, they should send separate application & all other necessary enclosures in separate envelops.
(b) Wherever it is prescribed to submit single application for more than one category, candidate can apply for more than one post in a single application & their order of preference of post can be mentioned in the application.
(c) Candidate should, however, note that West Central Railway may hold Written examination for the posts notified in the notification simultaneously on the same day. Candidate are advised to apply accordingly.

Mode of Recruitment : Written Exam followed by Document verification

Other Conditions :
a) Candidates will be subjected to usual medical examination by Railway medical authority prior to their appointment after due selection.
b) Candidates, if selected for any category for which pre-recruitment training is required, will have to undergo the prescribed training as per the rules in vogue.

Who can apply :
Categories of disabled who could apply for the jobs: OH (OL, BL)
Abbreviations used :
OH - Orthopaedically Handicapped
OL - One Leg
BL - Both leg

Directions to apply :
i) Willing eligible candidates who are having prescribed qualifications should submit their application in the enclosed format.
ii) Candidate has to apply as under. However preference of post may be indicated in the order of Priority against Column provided in the application form.
a) Single application, where minimum educational qualification required is matriculate or its equivalent - (Commercial Clerk, Stenographer, Jr. Clerk cum Typist, Jr. Telephone Operator, Dresser & TC).
b) Single application where minimum educational qualification required is University Degree - (Jr. Account Asstt. cum Typist, Pro. ASM, Traffic Apprentice, Sr Clerk cum Typist & Goods Guard).
c) Single application where minimum educational qualification required is Diploma in Engineering. – JE-II(C&W), JE-II(P.Way), JE(Works), JE-II(Mechanical), JE-II(Mechanical)Engine Wing, JE(S&T), Draughtsman Engineer.
d) Single application where minimum educational qualification required is matriculate with Course Completed Act Apprentice Act 1961/ITI in relevant trade. (Tech III viz. Carpenter, Fitter, Welder, Mason, Electrician, etc.)
iii) Application will be rejected if found without necessary documents/certificates.
iv) Application forms of candidates having normal Physical fitness will not be accepted.
v) Application form should be submitted through ordinary post or to be dropped in the box provided for this purpose in the office of Deputy Chief Personnel Officer (Gaz), Personnel Department, GM?s Office, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.- 482 001 on or before 14.08.2012 (18.00 hrs.) For Andaman, Nichobar & Lakshwdeep, on or before 21.08.2012 (18.00 hrs) except on Sunday and office holidays.
vi) Candidature of candidates who are found bringing any unfair means/influence/pressure will be summarily rejected.
vii) Candidates have to affix a coloured recent passport size photograph duly signed and attested by a Gazetted Officer. Two Passport size photographs should also be enclosed. Name and address of the candidate should be written on the reverse of these photos.
viii) Incomplete/defective application forms will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this respect.
ix) Application forms should be filled in the prescribed format.
x) Eligible candidate should appear in the written test, speed/typing test at his own expenses. However, Free passes will be issued to only SC/ST candidates as per rules.
xi) Those who are employed in Central/State Government Services, should submit their application form with a “No objection certificate” from their Head of Department. Without N.O.C. the application form will be rejected.
xii) Two self addressed envelopes (size 26x12 cm) should be enclosed. One of them should be affixed with Rupees 5/- postage stamp.
xiii) The date of written test as notified in the advertisement is liable to be changed in case of unavoidable circumstances.
xiv) For acceptance/rejection of application decision of SRD-PH Cell shall be final. No further correspondence and/or enquiry will be entertained in this respect.

Enclosures to be attached with the application:
i) Attested photo copy of the Date of Birth certificate (Certificate of Secondary/Matric in which Date of Birth is mentioned).
ii) Attested photo copies of the academic and or technical educational qualifications as per requirement.
iii) Annexure „D? where request is made for SCRIBE by Visually Handicapped candidates/those candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy.
iv) Attested Photo copy of the caste certificate issued by the Competent Officer as per Annexure „A? & „B?.
v) Attested photo copy of physical disability certificate as per Annexure „C?.
vi) No Objection Certificate of the employer, if applicable.
vii) Two self addressed envelops with one of them having affixed Rs.5/- postage stamp.
viii) Two recent pass port size photographs (Name and address should be written behind the photograph.)
ix) Attested copy of the certificate of audiogram of institute & registered medical authority by HH candidates.
11. The candidate will have to make their own arrangements for their stay during the entire recruitment process.
12. The decision of West Central Railway regarding eligibility, acceptance or rejection etc. will be final and binding on the candidate and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained. This Railway does not take any responsibility of sending reply to the candidates not recruited or not called for written examination/certificate verification.
13. Any legal action arising out of the above will lie within the jurisdiction of Central Administrative Tribunal, Jabalpur.

Date of Publication : 14/07/2012
Closing Date : 14/08/2012 Time: 18.00 hrs.
For residence of Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep : 21/08/2012
Time: 18.00 hrs
Date of examination: 23.09.2012
Place of examination: Jabalpur

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