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Tropical Forest Research Institute invites Junior Research Fellow, Field Assistant, Project Staff | 6 Posts

Clinical research courses

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), an apex body in the national forestry research system, has been undertaking the holistic development of forestry research through need based planning, promoting, conducting and coordinating research, education and extension covering all aspects of forestry. The Council deals with the solution based forestry research in tune with the emerging issues in the sector, including global concerns such as climate change, conservation of biological diversity, combating desertification and sustainable management and development of resources. Topical research by the Council enhances public confidence in the ability of forest managers and researchers to successfully handle challenges related to natural resource management.

Post: Junior Research Fellow, Field Assistant, Project Staff

Walk in interview will be held in the chamber of Director. TFRI as per the details given below. Appointment of three Junior Research Fellow, two Field Assistant and one Project Staff will be purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The appointee shall not be treated as regular employee of the Institute.

Eligible interested candidates are required to appear for walk-in interview on the specified date and time along with their applications giving full biodata including address for communication with attested copies of degree certificates and one passport size photograph etc. which may be produced at the time of interview.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

One Junior Research Fellow
Name of project: "Studies on harvesting time of some meciicinal plant for their natural antioxidant constituent
P.I. Dr.A.K.Pandey, Scientist"F"
Duration: Three Years August, 2015
Essential Qualiification: First class Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Desirable: Basic Computer knowledge and research experience will be given preference.
Emoluments: Rs.12,000/-P.M.(fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 10.00AM To 11.00AM

One Field Assistant
Name of project: "Estasblishment of Multilocational trials of 100 accessions of Jatropha curcas under the Networks programme of DBT" P.I. Dr.A.K.Pandey, Scientist-F "
Duration: March, 2013
Essential Qualiification: Higher Secondary (10+2) in Science Streem with atleast 60% marks
Emoluments: Rs.4,000/-P.M. (Fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 11.00AM To 12.00PM

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One Junior Research Fellow
Name of project: "Standardization of sustainable harvesting practices of Mahul Patta(Bauhinia vahlii)"
P.I.: Dr.A.K.Pandey, Scientist- F"
Duration: March, 2014
Essential Qualiification: First class M.Sc. in Forestry, Botany and Agriculture.
Desirable:Basic Computer knowledge and research experience will be given preference.
Emoluments: Rs.12,000/-P.M. (Fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 12.00PM To 13.00PM

One Junior Research Fellow
Name of project: "Utilization of Automatic weather station/ Agrometeorolocal Station data for agriculture, forestry and hydrological applications in Madhya Pradhya Pradesh"
P.I.:Dr.Avinash Jain, Scientist "E"
Duration: March, 2014
Essential Qualiification: First class Botany /Environment Science. Desirable: Basic Computer knowledge and research experience will be given preference.
Emoluments: Rs.12,000/-P.M. (Fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 14.00PM To 15.00PM

One Project Staff
Name of project: "Technology to regenerate/multiphy mahul (Bauhinia vahlii) patta for getting higher production)"
P.I.:Dr.S.A.Ansari, Scientist "F"
Duration: March, 2013
Essential Qualiification: First class Botany /Forestry (Specializa tion in plant Physiology/Genetics /Bio-technology) or First class Biotechnology/Moleculars Biology.
Desirable: Basic Computer knowledge and research experience will be given preference.
Emoluments: Rs.10,000/-P.M. (Fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 15.00PM To 16.00PM

One Field Assistant
Name of project: "Population dynamics of threatended medicinal plant species growing in buffer and transition zone of Tadoba National Park" Shri Sanjay Singh, Scientist"!)"
Duration: March, 2015
Essential Qualification: First class B.Sc. in Life Science & Knowledge of Computer.
Emoluments: Rs.7,000/-P.M. (Fixed Without HRA)
Date & Time of Interview: 07-01-2013 16.00PM To 17.00PM

Upper age limit for Junior Research Fellow, Field Assistant and Project staff 28 years, as on 1st June 2012 . Relaxable up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, Women, Physically Handicapped and 3 years for OBC applicants.

(Note: Interested candidade are requested to report the office before one hour of their choice subject and given time for verification of certificate etc. for the interview.)

Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O.-R.F.R.C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur-482021


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