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Opportunity to work as Senior Scientific Assistant at University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Panjab University

Clinical research courses

The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Panjab University is a premier institution of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in the country. The institute has covered a long and glorious journey of 76 years starting from Lahore in 1944 and finally settling to the present campus in Chandigarh at the foothills of Himachal. In its travelogue, the institute crossed multiple milestones and continue to head ahead towards the well-defined goals. The elevation of the status from department to the level of an institute i.e. University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1994, and hosting of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress in the same year, two presidential honors of the Indian Pharmaceutical Congresses to its faculty members, a special recognition by the UGC by granting SAP in 1993 and COSIST in 1981 establishment of ICMR Advanced Centre for standardization of Drugs of Indian System of Medicine are some of the major hallmarks on the path treaded so far.

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant (G-I)-01 (University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PU)

Pay Band: Rs 15600-39100+Grade Pay of Rs 5400/- with initial pay of Rs 21,000/- plus allowances as admissible under the University rules

Job Requirement:
1 Shall be able and responsible to operate and maintain the instruments, machines and equipment of the pharmaceutics section including tablet compression and capsule filling machines, pan coater, Spectrophotometers, dissolution testers, etc.
2 Shall be responsible for the preparation of reagents and solutions required for the research experiment and day-to day practical classes
3 Shall assist in the conduct of practical classes and to aid the students.
4 Development of specifications for procurement of chemicals/instruments/equipments.
5 Assist the faculty members in the conduct of examinations.
6 Any other work assigned by the Institute.

“M.Sc. (Chemistry & Basic Medical Sciences) at least 2nd class with 3 years experience * OR B. Pharm. with 4 years experience *OR B.Sc. (Chemistry & Basic Medical Sciences) with 5 years experience *OR Diploma in Pharmacy (2 years) from recognized Institution with 7 years experience
* Note: The required experience is to be in the line of specialty suiting job requirements- Experience of Pharmaceutical Industry (QA/QC/Production/ R&D)/Pharmacy institution (Machine room/Instrument room/ Lab.)”

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1.    It is not obligatory on the part of University to call all eligible persons for interview.
2.    The University may also prepare a waiting list in order of merit.
3.    The eligibility of every candidate will be determined on the basis of the qualifications acquired and conveyed to this office by him/her up to the last date fixed for receipt of the applications.
4.    Incomplete applications/forms or those received after the last date will be rejected. The University will not be responsible for any postal/courier delays in the submission of applications of the candidates. Candidates sending their Applications through post/courier should send them to the Assistant Registrar (Estt.) only and not to address it to any other authority.
5.    All the documents in original will have to be produced at the time of interview.
6.    Separate proforma / application must be used for each post.
7.    It is understood that the candidates shall possess the requisite qualifications and experience relevant to the post in the department concerned and other qualifications if any prescribed for a post.
8.    Selected candidates can also be posted to work anywhere (i.e. Chandigarh or outside Chandigarh) at the Institutions maintained by the Panjab University.
9.    If any information supplied by the candidate in his application form is found Incorrect /false at any stage, his candidature/selection will be cancelled.
10.    Along with original application form, Candidates should attach nine photocopies of duly filled application form and one set of attested copies of certificate of Educational Qualifications and Experience in support of their claim for the same, failing which their applications will be rejected. Attested copies of conversion formula in case of GPA be also attached. It is mandatory to attach proof of date of Birth of applicant. No document will be entertained after the last date prescribed for receipt of applications.
11.    Candidates should also indicate percentage of marks obtained by them in each examination in the column “Class/Division/Grade”.
12.    Persons already in service must route their applications through proper channel. They may, however, send an advance copy of their application on the prescribed proforma direct to the University. However, they will be allowed to present themselves for interview only on the production of “No Objection Certificate” from their employers.
13 Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
14.    The University reserves the right not to fill up the above posts.
15.    Number of post/s can be altered i.e. the number of post can be increased or decreased as per need at the time of selection.
16.    Age limit: -
No person shall be recruited to the service by direct appointment, if he is less than 18 years or is more than 37 years of age in the case of class “B” & “C” categories in Technical and Non-Technical posts on the last date fixed for submission of application [except for the posts mentioned as at Sr. No.1 to 18, 24 and 29 (Ex-Serviceman only)].
Relaxation in upper age limit as provided in rule 2, 3 at page 77 of P.U. Cal. Vol.-III, 2009 quoted below [except for posts at Sr.No.7, 8, 18, 24 and 29 (Ex-Serviceman)]:
2.    Upper age limit is relaxable:-
(a)    To the extent of five years for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes (of all India)
(b)    To the extent of ten years for physical handicapped person on production of Medical Certificate from the competent authority.
(c)    For ex-servicemen, who did not join civil post immediately after release from the Armed Force of the Union to the extent of his continuous service in the armed Force of the Union rendered after the 1st day of November, 1962; provided he produced a certificate from the competent authority that he had rendered continuous service in the Armed Forces of the Union after the 1st day of November 1962 for a period of not less than six months and was released because of demobilization or reduction not more than three years prior to the date of his application for employment under the University.
Note:- “Ex servicemen” means a person who joined any rank whether as a combatant or as a non combatant or after the 1st day of November, 1962 in the Armed Forces of the Union excluding the Assam Rifles Lok Sahayak Sena, Jammu and Kashmir Militia Territorial Army, Defence Security Crops and the General Reserve Engineering Force, and has been released otherwise than on grounds of misconduct or inefficiency.
(d)    The relaxation in age upto maximum of 5 years or to the extent of the period for which they have rendered the service in Panjab University on temporary/ Adhoc/ daily wage basis, be given at the entry point for all categories of non-teaching employees.
3.    Upper age limit will not be applicable in the following cases provided the candidate has at least 5 years’ service to reach the age of superannuation prescribed for the post:-
(i)    In-service employees of the Panjab University holding post lower than those of Clerks/Steno typist.
(ii)    Widows of University employees who die while in service.
(iii)    Widows of defence personnel killed/disabled in war service.
N.B. Defence personnel shall also include B.S.F/C.R.P.F.
17.    Reservation:
The total percentage reservation of 22.5% for SC/ST/SBC (i.e.(i) 15 % for Scheduled Caste, (ii) 5% for Scheduled Tribes & (iii)2.5% for Socially Backward classes) at the initial stage of the cadres. The reservation at (i) & (ii) will be interchangeable i.e. if sufficient number of applicants is not available to fill up the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Tribes and vice versa. The benefits of reservations as stated above is extendable to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Candidates belonging to states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh (UT) only as per rules in the Panjab University Calendar. (The applicant must attach his/her caste certificate in support of his/her claim in this regard.)
3% for Physically Handicapped person.
18.    Definition of categories of the Handicapped for the purpose of Reservation in Employment:
a)    The Deaf: The Deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purpose of life. They don’t hear, understand sound at all event with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing more or less than 60 decibels in the better ear (profound impairment) in the controversial range of frequencies.
b)    The orthopedically handicapped: the orthopedically handicapped are those who have a Physical defect or deformity not less than 40% which caused an Interference with the normal functioning of the bones.
The candidates are required to submit a certificate from the Principal Medical Officer/Chief Medical Officers /Civil Surgeon as the case may be of the District of place of which the applicant is a permanent residence or from class I Medical Officer of any Government Medical Institution/Hospital shall be competent to issue the said certificate of being handicapped but otherwise fit for Civil Employment against the post applied for.
20.    The candidates are advised to intimate their latest telephone/mobile numbers and e-mail addresses (if any) in the application form. In case of any change at the later stage please update the same to avoid inconvenience.
21.    The fees etc. submitted will not be refunded and no correspondence will be entertained. The applicant must ensure that he/she fulfill the minimum eligibility condition and only then apply within due date.
22.    No TA/DA will be given to the candidate appearing for test/interview.


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