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Career for M.Pharm/M.Tech as Junior Research Fellow in Anna University

Clinical research courses

Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli (Formerly Anna University Tiruchirappalli) has been established as a Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli by the Government of Tamilnadu. The Regional Office is functioning from 01-08-2012 at Tiruchirappalli, which is famously known as Rock Fort city. The Regional Office is situated 17Kms away in the main highway of Tiruchirappalli to Pudukkottai.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Job Description:
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow on temporary basis for the DBT, New Delhi sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, BIT Campus, Anna University Chennai, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

Title of the project : Development of Biodegradable Temperature and pH Responsive Hybrid Polymer-Peptide System for Efficient Intraocular Delivery of Drugs

Tenure of the project : Three years / Coterminous with the project whichever is earlier

Emoluments : The selected candidates will be initially taken as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and will be paid a stipend of Rs. 16,000/- pm + 20% HRA. The fellowship will be provided initially for a period of two years. Continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of each year. On satisfactory performance, the tenure of Fellowship will be further extended and upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) for another one year with a stipend of Rs. 18,000/- pm + 20% HRA.

Essential: First class in M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics/ Industrial Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Technology)/ M.Tech in Nanotechnology
Desirable: Experience in peptides and nanoparticulate drug delivery systems and publication in refereed journals.

Interested candidates meeting the eligibility requirements are requested to submit their application in the enclosed format along with attested copies of certificates and Testimonials to the address below on or before 07.02.2013.

Dr. N. Subramanian
Principal Investigator – DBT Project
Room No. 212, Academic Block
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
BIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai
Tiruchirappalli-620 024.

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