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Clinical research courses

CCRH, an autonomous body under the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India intends to engage the following categories of personnel on contract basis for a period of 06 (six) months for Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory (HPL), Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh).

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts under the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. Qualifications and other eligibility conditions are given below:


ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (PHARMACOLOGY) -01 (One) Post [Group A-1] (Unreserved)

Pay Band : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/-

Age: 45 years and below. (Relaxable for Govt./Public undertaking employees and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Govt. from time to time).

Educational Qualifications:
1. First or High Second class Master’s Degree in Pharmacology/Zoology/Veterinary Sciences from a recognized University/Institute.
2. 07 (seven) years Research/Teaching experience in a responsible capacity in the field of Pharmacology/experimental analysis of drug testing in a recognized Laboratory/ Institute/ University after obtaining M.Sc. Degree in the prescribed discipline.
1. Second class Master’s Degree in Pharmacology/Zoology/Veterinary Sciences with Ph.D in the concerned discipline from a recognized University/Institute.
2. 03 (three) years Research/Teaching experience in a responsible capacity in the field of Pharmacology/experimental analysis of drug testing in a recognized Laboratory/Institute/University after obtaining Ph. D Degree in the prescribed discipline.
First or High Second Class MBBS Degree from a recognized University/Institution with 05 (five) years research/teaching experience in responsible capacity in the field of Pharmacology in a recognized Laboratory/Institute/University after obtaining the MBBS Degree.

M.D. Degree in Pharmacology with a minimum of 03 (three) years experience in responsible capacity in the field of Pharmnacology in a recognized Laboratory/Institute/University.

Place of posting: Presently at Central Research Institute (H), Noida (UP).


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RESEARCH OFFICER (PHARMACOGNOSY) – 01 (One) Post [Group-A] (Unreserved)

Pay Band: PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-

Age: Not exceeding 40 years. (Relaxable for Govt./Public undertaking employees and Other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Govt. from time to time).

Educational Qualifications:
1. First or High Second Class Master’s Degree in Botany/Pharmacognosy/M.Pharma from a recognized University/Institution.
2. 05 (five) years research experience in a responsible capacity in the concerned specialty after obtaining the M.Sc. degree in a recognized University/Institution.
1. Second Class Master’s Degree in Botany/Pharmacognosy/M.Pharma with Ph.D in the concerned discipline from a recognized University/Institution.
2. 02 (two) years research experience in a responsible capacity in the concerned specialty after obtaining Ph. D Degree in a recognized University/Institution.

Place of posting: Presently at Central Research Institute (H), Noida (UP).


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Pay Band: PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-

Age: 35 years and below. (Relaxable for Govt./Public undertaking employees and other categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Govt. from time to time.

Educational Qualifications:
1. First or High Second class Post Graduate Degree in M.Sc. Botany/Pharmacognosy/M.Pharma from a recognized University/Institution.
2. 03 (three) years Research/Teaching experience in Pharmacognosy after obtaining the degree in a recognized University/Institution.
Ph .D in the concerned discipline from a recognized University/Institution.

Place of posting: Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (Headquarters), New Delhi.


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The candidates who have already applied for the post in response to the Council’s advertisement No.2/2011, need not apply again and they may note that the post is a Group-B post with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600/- and not Group-A post with Grade pay of Rs 4,200/- as mentioned in the Advt. No.2/2011, inadvertently. The eligibility of the fresh candidates will be determined with reference to the closing date notified in the advertisement No.2/2011, that is, 22.11.2011.

1. Qualification(s) are relaxable at the discretion of the Council in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
2. Qualification(s) regarding experience relaxable at the discretion of the Council in case of candidates belong to SC/ST, if at any stage of the selection, the Council is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them.
3. Self attested copies of educational qualifications, experience, age, caste certificate, registration certificate etc. should be attached with the application along with two recent passport size photographs. Original certificates are required to be produced at the time of interview.
4. New Pension Scheme of the Council will be applicable.
5. The number of vacancies may vary subject to requirement at the stage of final selection.
6. The candidates selected for appointment against the posts mentioned above are liable to transfer any where in India and the individuals selected against the above vacancies will be posted in any of the Institutes/Units/Hqrs office of the Council. The Institutes/Units of the Council are located throughout India and the details are available on the website of the Council.
7. The applications for the posts in the prescribed format duly completed in all respects, should reach the Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opposite D- Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.

Last date for the receipt of application is 15.03.2013. The application received after the last date OR with incomplete information will be summarily rejected.

8. Application format can also be downloaded from Council’s website The completed application forms should be sent by Registered Post to the Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, 61-65 Institutional Area, Opp. D Block, New Delhi- 110058. The candidates should mention “Application for the post of…..” in bold letters on top of the envelope.
9. In case the number of candidates is more, proportionate to the number of vacancies, candidates may be short-listed on the basis of qualification/experience/written test, to be decided by the Competent Authority.
10. Persons already in service must submit their applications, through their Employers, with “No Objection Certificate”. However, an advance copy of the application along with the documents can be submitted. The Original application through the Employer should reach before the closing date, failing which the application will be rejected.
11. The competent authority reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of applications and also reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise for any/all posts at any stage.
12. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending Written test/Skill Test/Interview.
13. Maximum age limit in respect of the post specified will be counted as on the closing date unless otherwise specified.
14. The date, time, venue of the written test/skill test/interview will be intimated to the candidates by the office.
15. The jurisdiction for all legal matters for this recruitment will be New Delhi and legal cases filed (if any) in other courts will not be maintainable.
16. Council will not be held responsible for any postal delay during correspondence between the Council’s headquarters or its concerned Institutes/Units and the candidates.
17. Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification of the concerned candidate.


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