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Central Institute Of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants invites Project Assistant Level-ll, Project Assistant Level-l, Research Assistant, Junior Research Fellow

Clinical research courses

Eligible and interested candidates may attend the Interview on 26/02/2013 at 9.30AM for engagement on purely temporary basis as Project Assistants of different level/ Junior Research Fellow (Projects)/ Research Assistant on contract basis in the Projects under CSIR Network Scheme, Grant-in-aid Projects and other projects sponsored by Govt. Agencies tenable at CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow in various disciplines detailed as under.

Post: Project Assistant Level-ll, Project Assistant Level-l, Research Assistant, Junior Research Fellow

Project Assistant Level-ll
Essential Qualification: 1st Class M.Sc./M.Tech or equivalent in Plant Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Botany/ Microbiology/ Zoology/ Biochemistry/ Agricultural Sciences.
Max. Age Limit: 28 Years
Stipend per month (Rs.): 12,000/- (Fixed)

Project Assistant Level-ll
Essential Qualification: Ist ClassM.Sc./M.Pharm OR equivalent in Pharmacology/ Pharmacognosy/ Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical chemistry/Natural product chemistry / Industrial chemistry
Max. Age Limit: 28 Years
Stipend per month (Rs.): 12,000/- (Fixed)

Project Assistant Level-ll
Essential Qualification: Ist Class M.Sc./ M.Tech or equivalent in Plant Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry
Max. Age Limit: 28 Years
Stipend per month (Rs.): 8,000/- (Fixed)

Research Assistant
Essential Qualification: 1st Class B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Botany/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology. Person having working experience on C. elegans/ plant growth promoting rhizobacteria/ fungal endophytes will be given special preference Candidate should be resident of U.P.
Max. Age Limit: Age Upper age limit 25 years on 01.04.2013 and relaxation of three years in age limit to experienced candidate
Stipend per month (Rs.): 12,000/- (Fixed)

Essential Qualification: 1st Class M.Sc./M.Tech Plant Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Bioinformatics with NET LS qualified
Max. Age Limit: 28 Years
Stipend per month (Rs.): 16,000/- + HRA

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Project Assistant Level-I
Essential Qualification: 1st class B.Sc Preference will be given to the candidate with 1st class M.Sc in Bioinformatics
Max. Age Limit: 28 Years
Stipend per month (Rs.): 5000/- (fixed) (Tenable for six months only)

Desirable Qualification: Practical experience in the relevant field (as above) as evident by publications/thesis/dissertation.

Terms & Conditions:
•    For Project Assistants Level-ll/lll, the upper age limit as mentioned for all the above positions will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities and 3 years for OBC candidates.
•    Special age relaxation in case of widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried as per rules.
•    The positions will be co-terminus with the Network, Grant-in aid projects and other projects against which the stipend is offered to the candidates and are non-transferable to another Project.
•    In case of Research Associates (Projects) and JRF (Projects),the upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities/ Women/ OBC.
•    If the number of candidates is large, a written test may be conducted to shortlist the candidates for interview. Interested candidates may appear before the committee on the date and time mentioned as above for the respective area/Project in the Auditorium of the Institute for interview alongwith their signed Bio-Data on prescribed proforma alongwith original and attested copies of marksheets/certificates and a recent passport size photograph.
No TA will be admissible.



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