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Application invited for the post of Research Associate in CSIR sponsored project @ Delhi Technological University

Clinical research courses

Till 1962, the college was under the direct control of Ministry of Education, Government of India. In 1963, the administration of the college was handed over to Delhi Administration. Delhi College of Engineering was under the administrative control of Department of Technical Education & Training, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. For academic purposes, the college was affiliated to University of Delhi since 1952. From July 2009, the DCE has become Delhi Technological University vide Delhi act 6 of 2009.

Post: Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary post of “Research Associate (RA)” in the CSIR sponsored project entitled “Design and Synthesis of Novel Imidazole and Triazole derivatives as potential Anti-Alzheimeric agent” [02(0048)/12/EMR-II].

Essential Qualification:
(i) The candidate must have strong academic record with a PhD degree in Chemistry, preferably with specialization in the areas of synthetic Organic Chemistry and/or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognized University/Institute (candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis can also apply).
(ii) The candidate must have published quality papers on the above areas.
(iii) The upper age limit for award of RA is 35 years

Desirable Qualification:
Experience in the areas of single and multi-step synthesis and Analysis of spectroscopic Data including UV-Visible, IR, NMR and Mass.

General Information:
(i) The candidate will be paid Rs 22000/- per month (or as per CSIR rules) consolidated and will have to work as a full time in the project. The post is purely temporary and will continue only up to the presently sanctioned duration (max 3 yrs depending upon satisfactory progress of the research project).
(ii) Only the short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid.
Interested applicants should send a detailed CV, self attested copies of the certificates/mark sheets and a list of publications to the undersigned within three weeks.

Dr Ram Singh
Principal Investigator (CSIR Project)
Department of Applied Chemistry and Polymer Technology
Delhi Technological University
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road

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