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Walk in interview for Postgraduation in Pharmacy, Lifesciences for posts of Junior Research Fellow, Research Assistant in National AIDS Research Institute

Clinical research courses

National AIDS Research Institute [NARI] was established in October 1992 in Bhosari, Pune on a seven acre plot. The Institute has progressively expanded its activities in various aspects of research on HIV and AIDS through infra-structural development, capacity building & research programmes. The present infrastructure includes the Institute housed in a 28024 sq. mtr space, residential accomadation for the staff, a power plant to ensure uninterrupted power supply and an incinerator for safe disposal of bio-waste.

Project: Identification of potential anti-HIV natural product analogs using molecular docking and medicinal chemistry approaches

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (leading to Ph.D), Research Assistant

Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (leading to Ph.D)- 1
Essential Qualification:

Post Graduate degree in Virology/Microbiology/Bio technology/Health Science/ Pharmacy/Veterinary Science with specialization in Virology/Biotechnology/ Microbiology AND NET/GATE/ICMR or equivalent qualification.
Desirable Qualification: 1st class in post graduation/ Experience in research lab
Job Responsibilities: To standardize and confirm anti-HIV activity, determinmechanism of action, data interpretation, etc.
Age: Below 30 years
Salary: Rs. 16,000/- + 20% HRA P.M. (for 1st & 2nd year) Rs. 18,000/- + 20% HRA P.M. (for 3rd & 4th year)
Date & Time of Interview: 7th January 2013 at 9.00 AM

Research Assistant-  1
Essential Qualification:
3 years Degree (Microbiology/Biotechnology) with 2 years experience OR 3 years Degree (Life Sciences) with 2 years DMLT
Desirable Qualification: 1st Class in graduation / Experience in research lab
Job Responsibilities: To standardize and carry out anti-HIV assays, maintain quality control, data analysis. correspondence, maintenance of records and report preparation
Age: Below 30 years
Salary: Rs.22,120/- P.M.
Date & Time of Interview: 8th January 2013 at 9.00 AM

Walk in with your application in the prescribed format (available on the Website) along with all required enclosures for proof of age (SSC Certificate), qualification (Degree certificate and all mark sheets), experience ( proof for experience) and application fee of Rs.100/-, drawn in favour of the Director, NARI, Pune, by a Demand Draft ( from a Nationalized Bank only). SC/ST and women are exempted from payment of application fees. Age relaxable for SC/ST/OBC-Non Creamy Layer / Physically Handicapped candidates and Govt. Servants as per Govt. of India Rules. The application should be duly superscribed as “Application for the post of ----------------- under NARI-NIPER Project. Government servants should apply through proper channel. Director, NARI reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be interviewed, by a written test. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or bringing political or other influence with regard to the selection shall be considered as a disqualification. Age and experience is relaxable in deserving cases.



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