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National Institute of Occupational Health invites Project Assistant | 4 Posts

Clinical research courses

This Institute started as “Occupational Health Research Institute” (OHRI) in the year 1966 and was re-christened as “National Institute of Occupational Health” (NIOH) in 1970 presently located in the Eastern part of Ahmedabad. Two Regional Occupational Health Centers (ROHCs) were started at Bangalore in 1977 and at Kolkata in 1980.

The Candidates having below mentioned qualifications may appear for the Walk in Interview on 7th January 2013 (Monday) at 10:30 am for the following vacancies under DBT ad-hoc project entitled “Investigation of factors affecting in vitro fertilization” at division of Reproductive and Cytotoxicology, NIOH, Ahmedabad.

Post: Project Assistant- 4

Stipend: Rs. 8000/- p.m. Fixed

Qualification: 1st Class Master degree in Biological Sciences/ Biochemistry/ B.Tech. in Biotechnology or equivalent.

Desirable: Experience in Laboratory Work and knowledge of computer.

Age Limit: 28 Years

Duration: Three Years

NB: Nature of the duties: Collection of data through questionnaire , biological material and their processing using various biochemical, molecular biological techniques and computerization of the collected data
1. Age relaxations for SC/ST/OBC/PH Candidates will be as per the government rules.
2. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/ experience does not guarantee for selection.
3. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
4. No TA/DA will be paid either for attending the interview or joining the post.
5. Eligible candidate may send their bio-data in advance by email ( for information.

Candidates fulfilling the qualification are requested to appear for the interview and they must bring along with them all the relevant documents in original for verification.


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