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Advertisement for Program Coordinator, Project Assistant in Central Drug Research Institute

Clinical research courses

In order to harness the bioactive principles from the vast marine biota occurring in Indian waters for human therapeutic purposes, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, has been implementing a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional Research and Development programme on “Development of potential drugs from ocean (Short title : Drugs from the Sea)” since, 1991 with participation of several research labs & Universities under the coordination of CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CSIR-CDRI), Lucknow.

A Coordinating Cell for the project “DRUGS FROM SEA” has to be created under the guidance of Director, CSIR-CDRI for which the following short term contractual positions are available.

Post: Program Coordinator, Project Assistant

Program Coordinator
Position Code: 001 Program Coordinator:- One Position (01) @ Rs. 50,000 / p.m.
Age: up to 65 years.
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. in Chemistry / Pharmacology / Microbiology / Biochemistry with more than 10 years of research experience, and experience of managing large projects.
Job Description: to assist Director, CSIR-CDRI in interacting with all participating centres, project data management, timely monitoring of various reports and budgets, organizing meetings, updating web portal and any other matter.

Project Assistant
Position Code: 002 Two Positions
@ Rs. 27,000 / p.m.
Age: up to 32 years.
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc./Science graduate with two years full time MBA / PGDM (Human Resource/ Finance) from recognize institute/university with 60% marks plus minimum 02 years work experience (preferably in government/ quasi government organizations).
Desirable: Computer fluency especially of MS word, excel & access; and good command in written English.
Job Description: Correspondences, tracking data, keeping data/ budget in excel/ access and to assist the coordinator.

The engagement shall be initially for a period of one year which can be renewed annually up to a maximum period of 05 years on satisfactory performance.

Soft copy of the application along with a copy of CV has to be emailed to CDRI, Lucknow ( and a hard copy should be sent by post to Director, CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow 226021, UP, India, mentioning the advt. no, position code on the envelope. The last date for submission of applications in response to this advertisement is 29-01-2013.

General Conditions:
1. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per GOI orders. 2. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the last date of submission of application form.
3. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. Candidates engaged in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit for consideration for regularization/absorption against any CSIR/CDRI post(s).
4. All applications will be screened by a committee. The committee can set their own criteria for short-listing the candidates. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test/ interview/ counseling at CDRI, Lucknow.

* No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

MoES Project : ‘Drugs from the Sea’
(Sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi)

Advertisement No. 08/2012


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