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WII invites Research Biologists, Senior Research Biologist | Government Jobs

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The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier national autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoE&F), Government of India in the field of teaching, training and research. The institute has been assigned a task by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, Govt. of India, to cover major landscapes for ‘Monitoring of tigers, co-predators, prey and their habitat in India’. The WII wishes to engage 35 Research Biologists (31-Field Component and 04-Genetics Component) on a contractual basis for the project titled “All India monitoring of tigers, co-predators and prey”. The assignment will be up to 31st March 2015 initially, which may be extended for further period(s) according to project requirements and satisfactory performance of the individuals. The essential and desirable qualifications, terms and conditions and how to apply for the available positions are given below. The Director, WII reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information provided by the candidate or for any other reason.

Post: Research Biologists, Senior Research Biologist

No. of Position & Age Criteria: 30 Research Biologists (Field Component)
Age: Shall not be more than 35 years as on Friday, 13th September 2013.
Essential Qualification: Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Botany/Zoology/Forestry/ Life Science/Agriculture/ Environmental Sciences/ Agricultural Science/Veterinary Science/Biotechnology/ with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks from a recognized University
Disirable Qualification: Candidate(s) with prior experience in sampling design and animal abundance estimation are preferred. Able to do field work in harsh condition. Knowledge of GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing is desirable.
Brief description of the work: Population estimation using camera traps, mark recapture, distance sampling and occupancy analysis. Habitat evaluation and human disturbance assessment. The research work will be carried out in different parts of India. Work will be primarily at field sites with occasional visits to the HQ at Dehradun.

No. of Position & Age Criteria: 01 Senior Research Biologist (Field Component)
Age: Shall not be more than 40 years as on Friday, 13th September 2013.
Essential Qualification: Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Botany/Zoology/Forestry/ Life Science/Environmental Sciences/ Agricultural Science/Veterinary Science/Biotechnology/ with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized University. A candidate should hold a Ph.D. Degree in relevant field or over 4 years of research experience after M.Sc
Disirable Qualification: Publications in relevant field and experience in animal abundance estimation techniques. Knowledge of Program MARK, DISTANCE, DENSITY, SPACECAP and PRESENCE.
Brief description of the work: Analysis of large scale data on animal abundance and indices, field supervision and training, report writing. Work will be both at HQ in Dehradun, with several field visits.

No. of Position & Age Criteria: 03 Research Biologists (Genetics Component)
Age: Shall not be more than 40 years as on Friday, 13th September 2013.
Essential Qualification: Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Genetics/Biotechnology/ Bioscience/Botany/Zoology with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Disirable Qualification: Candidate(s) with prior experience in DNA extraction, PCR, Analysis of genetic data especially sequence and microsatellite will be given preference.
Brief description of the work: Developing a genetic database of large carnivores to understand population structure and gene flow. Work will be primarily at Dehradun lab based with some field visits for sample collections.

No. of Position & Age Criteria: 01 Senior Research Biologist (Genetics Component)
Age: Shall not be more than 40 years as on Friday, 13th September 2013.
Essential Qualification: Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Genetics/Bioscience/ Biotechnology/Botany/Zoology with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized University. A candidate should hold a Ph.D. Degree in relevant field or over 4 years of research experience after MSc.
Disirable Qualification: Experience in conducting research in genetics. Publications in relevant field and experience in handling large genetic datasets will be given preference.
Brief description of the work: Laboratory and statistical analysis of genetic data, supervise and conduct DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing, and subsequent analysis for population structure and gene flow. Report writing and publications. Work will be primarily at Dehradun and Laboratory based, with few field visits.

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1. The selection of the candidates will be based on `Walk-in-Interview’ scheduled to be conducted at the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehra Dun on 16th & 17th September 2013.

2. All candidates appearing for the walk-in-interview would be registered at 09:00 A.M. on 16th September 2013 at WII. Candidates should bring the duly filled-in applications with attested true copies of testimonials of qualifications, experience, date of birth etc. along with copies of mark sheets of all examinations. All original documents should be produced at the time of registration.

3. The selection offer to the candidates will be on purely contractual basis up to 31st March 2015 initially and it may be extended for further period(s) depending upon the requirement of the project and satisfactory performance of the candidates.

4. Selected candidate(s) will be paid the fellowship as stated below:
i. Research Biologist (Field Component): Consolidated amount of Rs. 16,000/- as stipend per month. In addition, Rs. 2000/- per month will be paid to the selected candidates during the field work.
ii. Senior Research Biologist (Field Component): Consolidated amount of Rs. 25,000/- as stipend per month. In addition, Rs. 2000/- per month will be paid to the selected candidates during the field work.
iii. Research Biologist (Genetics Component): Consolidated amount of Rs. 16,000/- as stipend per month. In addition, Rs. 2000/- per month will be paid to the selected candidates during the field work.
iv. Senior Research Biologist (Genetics Component): Consolidated amount of Rs. 25,000/- as stipend per month. In addition, Rs. 2000/- per month will be paid to the selected candidates during the field work.

5. Candidate(s) shall be provided hostel accommodation.

6. Canvassing in any form is liable to result in rejection of the candidature.

7. The selected candidates need to join immediately or at a short notice.

8. No TA/DA and accommodation will be provided to the candidates appearing for the walk-in-interview. Candidates will have to make their own arrangements for stay while attending the interview.

9. The application form can be downloaded from the Institute’s website

10. The Director, WII reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information provided by the candidate or for any other reason.

Advt. No. WII/RES/P-TIGER ’2013


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