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Walk in interview for the post of Research Assistant in Goa University

Clinical research courses

Though Goa University was established in 1985, its genesis dates back to post-Liberation era when the Post Graduate Centre of Bombay University was established in Goa in 1966. Though the Post Graduate Centre of Bombay University met the immediate requirements of Goan students at a time when educational resources and avenues in Goa were limited, an acute need was felt for Goa’s own university that would promote interest in the life, literature, languages and cultures of the people of Goa. Envisaged as an instrument of socio-economic development and empowerment, Goa University was thus established in 1985 by incorporating the then existing Centre for Post Graduate Instruction and Research of the University of Bombay.

Post: Research Assistant

Walk in interview will be held on 30.08.2013 at 15:30 hrs at the Department of Marine Sciences, Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, 403206 for the two posts of Research Assistant to work in a project entitled ‘Ballast Water Management Programme – India (BAMPI)’ at eight major ports of India. The project involves port biological baseline survey of all these major ports with special reference to demersal fish fauna initially for a period of one year likely to be extended for a period of five years.

Interested candidates may kindly send their bio-data with the e-mail address to the Project Investigator (Dr. C. U. Rivonker; Email:

Research Assistant - M.Sc. with specialization in Marine Sciences, Marine Biology, M. F. Sc., Zoology, Life Sciences. NET / UGC qualified candidate will be preferred.
Fellowship: Research Assistant – Rs. 12,000 /= per month
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview

Ref. No. GU/RDRM/BAMPI/Mar. Sci./CUR/012/


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