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Walk-in-interview for appointment of 30 Senior Scientific Assistants in Forensic Science Laboratory

Clinical research courses

A Walk-in-interview for appointment of 30 Senior Scientific Assistants on contractual basis in the various Divisions in this Laboratory will be held at FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORTORY as per schedule given below:

Post: Senior Scientific Assistant

Senior Scientific Assistant (Document) Total-01 (UR )
Qualification: Essential: 1) Master's degree in Physics or Chemistry or Forensic Science or Computer Science with Physics or Chemistry or Forensic Science or Computer Science as one of the subject at B. Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent
B.E./ B. Tech. in Computer Engineering or MCA/ M. Sc. in Computer Science from a recognized university or equivalent.
II) 2 years experience of analytical methods / research therein in the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

Senior Scientific Assistant (Photo) Total-02 (UR)
Qualification: Essential: 1) Graduate Degree preferably in Science with diploma in photography from a recognized University Institution or equivalent.
II) 2 years experience in various branches of photography including experience of scientific photography with theoretical and practical knowledge of its techniques.
Desirable: Diploma or Certificate in Forensic photography from a recognized university or institution.
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) Total-14 (UR-10, SC- 02, OBC-02)
Qualification: Essential: 1) Master's degree in Chemistry or Toxicology or Forensic Science with Chemistry as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized university or equivalent.
II) 2 years research/ analytical experience therein in the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
Date of Interview: 27-08-2013

Senior Scientific Assistant (Ballistics) Total-03(UR)
Qualification: Essential: 1) Master's degree in Physics or Mathematics or Forensic Science with Physics or Mathematics or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
II) 2 years experience of analytical methods/ research therein in the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology) Total-08 (UR-07, OBC- 01)
Qualification: Essential: l)Master's degree in Zoology or Botany or Anthropology or Human Biology or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Genetics or Biotechnology or Molecular Biology or Forensic Science with Zoology or Botany or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
II) 2 years experience in analytical methods/ research therein in the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

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Senior Scientific Assistant (HRD / Quality Control) Total -01(UR)
Qualification: Essential: 1) Master's degree in Chemistry or Physics or Botany or Zoology or Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Anthropology or Molecular Biology or Genetics or Psychology or Toxicology or Forensic Science with Botany or Zoology or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized University or equivalent.
2) 2 years experience of analytical methods/ research therein in the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

Senior Scientific Assistant (Finger print) Total-Ol(UR)
Qualification: Essential: 1) Master's degree in Chemistry or Physics or Biological Science or Forensic Science with Chemistry or Forensic Science as one of the subject at B.Sc. level from a recognized university or equivalent.
2) 2 years experience of analytical methods/ research therein the relevant field.
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
Date of Interview: 26-08-2013

The number of posts indicated above is provisional and subject to change without any prior notice.

Duties to be performed
Assisting senior officers in examining forensic cases, helping in preparing reports, visiting crime scenes and any other work given by superiors.

1. Reporting / Registration time: candidates are required to report between 09 AM to 12 AM on the schedule date of interview. No candidate will be entertained thereafter.

2. Remuneration: Consolidated fixed remuneration of ? 24300/-p. m. will be paid and no other allowance will be paid.

3. Age Limit: As on 25.08.13 : Not exceeding 30 years
ii) 5 years relaxation in age will be given to Schedule caste Category candidates.
iii) 3 years relaxation in age will be given to Other backward class Category candidates.

4. The tenure of contract shall be for one year or till regular appointment to the relevant post is made, whichever is earlier. The contract shall terminate automatically on the expiry of one year, unless terminated earlier.

5. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

6. Eligibility for appearing in the interview will be strictly according to the qualification & experience mentioned in the advertisement.

7. Benefit of reservation shall be provided only to those Other backward class, who are original residents of Delhi and have certificates issued by the Competent Authority about their caste status which should appear in the notified list of Other backward class of Delhi.

8. In case interview is not completed on the scheduled date/duration for whatsoever reasons, the interviews shall be conducted on the next working day.

9. No correspondence or personal enquiries on telephone shall be entertained.

10. Candidates are required to bring all original documents about their educational qualification and other relevant documents along with their self - attested photocopies at the time of interview. Candidates are also required to bring any Identity proof along with self - attested copy i.e. Driving License / Voter I Card / Adhaar Card /Bank pass book with photograph duly attested of any Nationalized Bank (atleast 3 years old ) / pass port or any other proof deemed fit by this office.

11. Director, FSL, Govt, of NCT of Delhi can terminate the services of any contract staff at any time without assigning any reason. However, in case any appointed candidate wishes to quit, one month prior notice or surrender of one month remuneration in lieu of Notice is required from such appointed candidate.

12. In the event of selection, the candidate shall have to submit an undertaking stating that he/ she shall not stake any claim nor file any court case for regularization of service in any Court of Law and appointment on contract shall be offered only thereafter.

13. No Allowance / facility other than those specifically allowed in the appointment letter, available to the regular employees shall be payable to person engaged on contract.

14. The names of selected candidates will be displayed on the Notice Board of FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORTORY. No postal /personal intimation will be sent to the candidates. The candidates must be ready to join within one week after the selection.

15. The contract staff will be normally required to work during normal working hours on all working days. However, they may be required to work after office hours and on holidays, if required in the interest of FSL, but without any extra remuneration^ the contract staff may also be deputed anywhere outside FSL.

16. Contract staff will be allowed 8 casual leaves and 2 Restricted Holidays out of list of Restricted Holidays notified by GAD, GNCT of Delhi. No earned leave, medical leave or any other kind of leave will be permitted.

17. If suitable candidates are not available in reserved category, candidates from General category will be considered for selection.

18. Selected candidates will be offered contract appointment subject to medical fitness and verification of character and antecedents.

19. Selected candidates will have to submit 3 passport size photographs along with duly filled form for character and antecedent verification which will be provided at the reception of FSL.

20. No relaxation will be given in working hours to the selected candidate for any reason what so ever.

The selected candidates shall have to execute a contract agreement accepting the above terms and condition on a non-judicial stamp paper Rs.100/- before their appointment on contract basis.



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