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Vacancies for Project Fellow in IISER Kolkata

Clinical research courses

The Government of India, through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and based on the recommendation of Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, decided to create five undergraduate science universities. One of them is located at Kolkata and was started from 2006. Named as the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (IISER), these IISERs are designed to reach the prestigious position in the global setting that IISc, IIMs and IITs presently enjoy.

Applications are invited from citizens of India for filling up the following temporary positions for a sponsored research project in the field of cell and molecular biology undertaken in the Department of Biological Sciences, IISER-Kolkata. The position is initially for a period of 1 Year and extendable on a yearly basis only for the duration of the project. Applicants enthusiastic about research in the field of protein and miRNA-mediated regulation of translation are encouraged to apply. The requisite qualification & experience for the positions are given below.

Post: Project Fellow (PF)

Project name and agency: Molecular interactions in the post-transcriptional regulation of inflammatory gene expression. Funding agency: Wellcome trust-DBT India Alliance.

Position 1: Project Fellow (PF)
Minimum Eligibility: M.Sc. in biochemistry/ molecular biology/ biotechnology/ microbiology although M.Sc. degree holders in physiology/zoology may also be considered. Candidates with experience in working with mammalian cell lines and/or RNA would be preferred.
Salary: Rs. 15,000/- per month with yearly increments on satisfactory performance.

Position 2: Project Fellow (PF)
Minimum Eligibility: M.Sc./M.Tech in any branch of sciences with a strong background in bioinformatics/computational biology. Candidates with experience in analyzing microarray data and programming skills, together with interest in wet lab work, would be preferred.
Salary: Rs.15,000/- per month with yearly increments on satisfactory performance.

Last Date for the receipt of the application is 8th September 2013

Applications enclosing curriculum vitae and names of two referees can be sent by e- mail to Shortlisted candidates would be called for an interview in October 2013 at IISER, Kolkata. For more details about the project please visit:


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