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Multiple vacancies for M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm, D.Pharm at PCIM - Government Jobs | 19 Posts

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Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine (PCIM) is an autonomous body established in 2010 with the approval of Govt, of India with an objective to develop Pharmacopoeial Standards for Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs and to publish Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India for the promotion of Quality and Safety of ASU Drugs for the furtherance of provisions of Chapter- IV-Aof Drugs and CosmeticsAct-1940and Rules-1945 for Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha drugs. Applications are invited for following posts:-


  • Director - 01 post {below}

Name of the Post: Director
No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 56 Years
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 4 (Rs. 37,400-67,000/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-)
Educational and other Qualifications:
(i) Master's degree in Chemistry/ Botany/ Pharmaceutical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.
M.D. (Ay.) in Rasashastra/ Bhaishjya Kalpana/ Dravyaguna or M.D. (Unani) or M.D. (Siddha) from a recognized university under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act,1970 (48 of 1970) and Enrolment on the Central/State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification (i) with publications of papers on Quality control & Standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iii) 20 years experience in drugs manufacturing/ research/ teaching/ pharmacopoeial work/ quality control and Pharmacopoeial standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs as evidenced by publications in reputed journals or books.

a) Administrative experience in running the scientific institution/ laboratory or GMP compliant ASU industry.
b) Co-ordination of activities of different sections of a Pharmacopoeial/Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Quality Control laboratory.
c) Experience of guiding/directing research in the field of specialization.

Mode of Recruitment:
Deputation or short-term contract.
a) Officers under the Central/State Govt, and Govt, aided Organizations, University, PSU etc.
For Deputation
(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) With 3years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs.37,400-67,000+GP Rs 8,700 or
(iii) With 8 years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs.15,600-39,100+GP Rs 7,600.
For Short Term Contract
Pay and Allowances (Excluding HRA) should not be less than Rs. 37,400/-+ DA admissible to Central Govt, employees as on date of advertisement.
b) Possessing the educational qualifications, experience mentioned above.

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Name of the Post: Joint Director
No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 56 Years
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 4 (Rs. 37,400-67,000/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700/-)

Educational and other Qualifications:
(i) Master's degree in Chemistry/ Botany/ Pharmaceutical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.
M.D. (Ay.) in Rasashastra/ Bhaishjya Kalpana / Dravyaguna or M.D. (Unani) or M.D. (Siddha) from a recognized university underthe Indian Medicine Central Council Act,1970(48 of 1970) and Enrolment on the Central / State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification (i) with publications of papers on Quality control & Standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iii) 15 years experience in drugs manufacturing/ research/ teaching/ Pharmacopoeial work/ quality control and Pharmacopoeial standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs as evidenced by publications in reputed journals or books.
a) Administrative experience in running the scientific institution/ laboratory or GMP compliant ASU industry
b) Co-ordination of activities of different sections of a Pharmacopoeial/Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Quality Control laboratory.
c) Experience of guiding/directing research in the field of specialization.

Mode of Recruitment:
Deputation or short-term contract.
a) Officers under the Central/State Govt, and Govt, aided Organizations, University PSU, etc.
For Deputation
(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) With 5 years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs.15,600-39,100+GP Rs. 7,600 or
(iii) With 10 years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs.15,600-39,100+GP Rs. 6,600.
For Short Term Contract
Pay and Allowances (Excluding HRA) should not be less than Rs. 34,120/-+ DA admissible to Central Govt, employees as on date of advertisement.
b) Possessing the educational qualifications, experience etc. as mentioned above.

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Name of the Post: Principal Scientific Officer
No. of vacancies: 04 (UR) Inorganic Chemistry-One, Organic Chemistry-One, Pharmacognosy-One and Ayurveda-One
Age Limit: Not exceeding 56 yrs. for deputation or short term contract & 45 yrs. for direct recruitment.
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 3 (Rs.15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay of Rs.7,600/-)

Educational and other Qualifications :
(A) Principal Scientific Officer (Inorganic Chemistry)
(i) Master's Degree in Inorganic Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent.
(ii) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational (i) qualification with research publications on quality standards of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iii) 10 years experience in research/ analysis/ testing or Pharmacopoeial standardization of Minerals and metals.
(iv) At least 8 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(B) Principal Scientific Officer (Phyto-Chemistry/Organic Chemistry).
(i) Master's degree in Chemistry with specialization in Phyto-Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification at serial no. (i) with publications on Quality control/standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iii) 10 years experience in research/ analysis/ testing/ standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani drugs or isolation, characterization of natural products from plant sources.
(iv) At least 8 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
Working experience in a Phytochemical industry/Pharmacopoeial work or DrugTesting Laboratory.

(C) Principal Scientific Officer (Pharmacognosy).
(i) Master's degree in Botany/ Pharmacognosy from a recognized university or equivalent.
(ii) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification at serial no. (i) with publication of papers on standardization plant based drug.
(iii) 10 years experience in research/ analysis/ testing or pharmacopoeial standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iv) At least 8 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
Working experience in medicinal plants especially macroscopic and microscopic studies in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(D) Principal Scientific Officer (Ayurveda).
(i) M.D. in Rasashastra or Bhaishjaya Kalpana or Dravyaguna Recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act1970 (46 of1970) and Enrolment on the Central/State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) 10 years of experience in manufacturing/ teaching/ research in Pharmacopoeial standardization of Ayurvedic Drugs.
(iii)  At least 8 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Ph. D. in Rasashastra or Bhaishjaya Kalpana or Dravyaguna.
b) Knowledge of Sanskrit and English.
c) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

Mode of Recruitment:
Deputation or short-term contract falling which Direct Recruitment.
a) Officers under the Central/State Govt, and Govt, aided Organizations, University, PSU, etc.
For Deputation
(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) With 5years regularservice in posts in the scale of Rs. 15,600-39,100+GP Rs. 6,600/-or equivalent;
(iii) With 10 yeas regularservice in posts in the scale of Rs.15,600-39,100 + GP Rs. 5,400/-.
For Short Term Contract
Pay and Allowances (excluding HRA) should not be less than Rs. 28,250/-+ DA admissible to Central Govt, employees as on date of advertisement,
b) Possessing the educational qualifications, experience etc. as mentioned above.

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Name of the Post: Scientific Officer
No. of vacancies: 08 (UR) Inorganic Chemistry-One post, Phyto-Chemistry-One post, Pharmacognosy-One post, Pharmacology-One post, Siddha-One post, Unani-One post and Ayurveda-Two posts.
Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 Years.
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 3 (Rs.15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/-)

Educational and other Qualifications :
(A) Scientific Officer (Inorganic Chemistry)
(i) Master's degree in Inorganic Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent.
(ii) 05 years experience in analysis/testing or Pharmacopoeial standardization of Minerals and Metals.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification at serial no. (i)with research publications on quality standards of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
b) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(B) Scientific Officer (Phyto-Chemistry)
(i) Master's degree in Chemistry with specialization in Phyto-Chemistry/Organic Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) 5 years experience in analysis/ testing/ standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani drugs or isolation, characterization of natural products from plant sources.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification at serial no. (i) with publications on Quality control, standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
b) Working experience in a Phyto-Chemical industry/ Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(C) Scientific Officer (Pharmacognosy)
(i) Master's degree in Botany/ Pharmacognosy from a recognized university or equivalent.
(ii) 5 years experience in research/ analysis/ testing or Pharmacopoeial standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Doctorate degree in relevant subject mentioned under educational qualification at serial no. (i) with publication of papers on standardization plant based drug.
b) Working experience in medicinal plants especially macroscopic and microscopic studies in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(D) Scientific Officer (Pharmacology)
(i) M.D. / M.Pharma / M.V.Sc. in Pharmacology from a recognized University/Institution.
(ii) 5 years research/teaching/industry experience in Pharmacological studies afterobtaining the Degree.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Doctorate degree in a relevant subject mentioned under essential (i) or qualification with publication in reputed journals.
b) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(E) Scientific Officer (Ayurveda)
(i) M.D. in Rasashastra or Bhaishjaya Kalpana, Dravyaguna from recognized university underthe Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970(48 of 1970) and Enrolment on the Central / State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) 02 years of experience in manufacturing/ teaching/ research in Pharmacopoeial Standardization of Ayurvedic Drugs.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Ph. D in Rasashastra or Bhaishjaya Kalpana or Dravyaguna.
b) Knowledge of Sanskrit and English.
c) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(F) Scientific Officer (Siddha).
(i) Post Graduate Degree in Siddha from a recognized University under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970(48 of 1970) and Enrolment on the Central/ State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) 02 years of experience in manufacturing/ teaching/ research in Pharmacopoeial standardization of Siddha drugs.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Ph.D. in relevant subject.
b) Knowledge of Tamil.
c) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

(G) Scientific Officer (Unani)
(i) Post Graduate Degree in Unani from a recognized University under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970(48 of 1970) and Enrolment on the Central/ State Register of Indian Medicine.
(ii) 02 years of experience in manufacturing/ teaching/ research in Pharmacopoeial standardization of Unani Drugs.
(iii) At least 3 scientific publications in the peer reviewed indexed journals.
a) Ph. D. in relevant subject.
b) Knowledge of Urdu.
c) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.

Mode of Recruitment: Direct Recruitment

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Name of the Post: Research Officer (Microbiology)
No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 Years
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 2 (Rs. 9,300-34,800/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600/-)
Educational and other Qualifications :
Master’s degree in Microbiology from a recognized University or equivalent.
a) 3 yrs. experience in relevant field.
b) Working experience in Pharmacopoeial work or Drug Testing Laboratory.
Mode of Recruitment: Direct Recruitment

Name of the Post: Assistant Library Information Officer
No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 Years
Scale of Pay: Pay Band - 2 (Rs. 9,300-34,800/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 4,200/-)
(i) Bachelor's Degree in Library Science from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) 05 years experience in maintaining Library of a Scientific Laboratory/ Institution.
a) M. Lib.
b) Knowledge of computer operation, cataloging & documentation.
Mode of Recruitment: Direct Recruitment

Name of the Post: Pharmacy Assistant
No. of vacancies: 03 (UR)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 Years
Scale of Pay: Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 2,800/-)
a) Diploma in Pharmacy in any of recognized systems of medicine.
b) 03 years experience in manufacturing of medicine in any of recognized systems of medicine in a reputed pharmaceutical industry.
(2) Bachelor degree in Pharmacy/ B. Pharma (Ay.) from a recognized university/ institute
Mode of Recruitment: Direct Recruitment

1) The posts are temporary but likely to continue. The fresh appointees shall be governed by new pension scheme. The candidates selected will be on probation for two years.
2)  For direct recruitment age will be reckoned as on 01.01.2013. Age relaxation will be admissible for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Govt. Servant etc. as per Central Govt, rules in force. Experience would be determined as on date of application. For deputation/STC the tenure will be fora period of 5 years or upto 60 years age of the candidate and the age for application will be determined on 17-09-2013.
3) The details of eligibility, age, qualification, experience format of application etc. may be seen in the detailed advertisement available at the website of CCRAS ( and Department of AYUSH (
4) The application for the above post(s) should reach the Director Incharge, PCIM, Central Council For Research In Ayurvedic Sciences, Jawahar Lai Nehru Bhartlya Chlkltsa Evam Homoeopathy Anusandhan Bhawan, No.61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. ’D' Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 latest by 17-09-2013.
The applications received after due date will not be considered under any circumstances.
5)  Persons already in service must submit their applications through proper channel. While forwarding applications of in service candidates, Head of the Institutions should certify that the applicants are free from Administrative and Vigilance angle and that no vigilance proceedings are pending or contemplated. Photocopies ofACRs dossier ofthecandidate(s) for the last five years may also be forwarded along with application in sealed covers.
6) Late applications/ incomplete applications/application without attested copies of academic qualification (Certification and mark sheet), age, and community will summarily be rejected.
7) Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of any candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment will disqualify the candidate.
8) Director, PCIM reserves the right to cancel the recruitment for all/any of the post without giving any reason.
9) Number of posts mentioned above may increase or decrease as per the discretion of the commission.
10)Envelope containing the application should be superscripted “Application for the post of______________"     The last date to receive application is 17/09/2013.
11) Those candidates who have applied earlier in response to previous vacancy notice appeared in Employment News dated 10-16 December 2011 have to apply again, as the previous advertisement has been cancelled.



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