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Vacancy for JRF in DST-SERB funded Project @ NIMHANS | Post Graduate in Pharmacy/Life Sciences

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of a post of “Junior Research Fellow” on adhoc basis for DST-SERB funded Project entitled “Structure-Function Analysis of HDAC Domain of Human SIRT1 and Discovery of Pharmaceutically Acceptable SIRT1 Inhibitors by Rational Drug Design Approach” under Dr.B.Padmanabhan, Addl. Professor of Biophysics & Principal Investigator.

Post: Junior Research Fellow- One

Educational Qualification: Post Graduate in Biophysics/Pharmacy/Life Sciences or any other equivalent PG degree from a recognized University.

Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- + 30% H.R.A. p.m.

Desirable qualification: Experience in molecular modeling & docking, pharmacoinformatics; in programming skills such as in C++, Perl and Java. Knowledge in using Schrodinger Package is an added advantage, Experience in protein crystallography is preferable (not mandatory).

Maximum Age Limit: 30 years (age relaxation will be given for suitable candidates)

Duration of the Post: 3 Years (Initial appointment will be made for a period of one year which will be extendable depending up on the performance of the candidate).

Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria, may apply on a plain paper with the resume, age proof and copy of the testimonials, addressed to The Director, NIMHANS, P.B.No.2900, D.R.College Post, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560029, by post or through email to or Candidates who apply, should invariably mention the Notification No. & date, Email ID, Contact No. & Postal address without fail, otherwise the applications will not be considered.

The last date for receipt of filled in applications together with the relevant documents is 31.08.2013 upto 4.00pm. Late applications will not be entertained.



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