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Opening for young investigator at NIPER - M.Pharma/M.S Pharm

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research has been established under the aegis of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India, Dept. of Pharmaceuticals as a Centre of Excellence in imparting higher education, research and development in pharmaceutical sciences and is the first Institute of its kind in country. The Institute was declared as an Institute of National Importance by Government of India through an Act of Parliament, notified on 26th June 1998. The Institute is a member of the Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
NIPER-Ahmedabad has commenced from academic year 2007-08. It is housed at B.V. Patel PERD Centre, a reputed institute in the Western part of the country that has been in the forefront of Pharmaceutical education and research for the past eighteen years.

Post: Research Investigator

Project : "Design of Oral delivery system for macromolecules using gastrointestinal patch system: Role of fatty acid as penetration enhancer" Rapid grant for young investigator award funded by, Department of biotechnology, New Delhi-110016

Principle Investigator : Dr. Manju Misra

Duration-stipend : 3 Years, *18000 stipend Per month and 20 % HRA,

Qualification : M.Pharma/M.S Pharm in Pharmaceutics with the minimum 60% marks or equivalent. NET/GPAT and Candidates with prior experience in the area of Nano particulate drug delivery system will be given preference.

Candidates should mail their applications along with Bio-data, name of three referees with their contact details and other required documents to following e mail address before 9th September, 2013 on following ID.

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