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Job for Protocol Manager in Office of the CDMO, Puri

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Puri District for filling of following posts at Help Desk of Rastriya Swasthya Bima Joyana (RSBY) to be filled up on contractual basis under RKS of DHH & different CHCs of Puri district. The principle of reservation will be followed as per ORV rule, the decision of selection committee is final & the numbers of posts may vary as per the actual requirements of the RKSs.

Post: Protocol Manager- 01

Consolidated pay: Rs 5600/- PM

Eligibility: D.Pharma with PGDCA/DCA with adequate knowledge of computer particularly in MS-Office. Previous work experience of similar kind shall be added advantage. Applicants having higher qualification can also apply but no additional benefit/ advantage will be given

Age Limit: Between 18-32 years as on 01.07.2013

Interested Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may download the application form from the District website & are requested to apply to the Chief District Medical Officer Puri super scribing at the top of envelope “Application for the post of ........ for RSBY Help Desk” on or before 22.08.2013 by Regd or Speed Post or Courier only. The authority reserves the right to cancel or accept any application without any or all reason thereof.

ADVT.NO 9396


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