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Invites for Project assistant-II in IIAR | Walk in

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the position of Project Assistant-II on Department of Science and Technology (DST)-sponsored project:  "Carbon sequestration potential of Albizzia lebbeck in intercropping and co-cultivation system with economic crops and plant growth promoting microorganism"

Post: Project assistant-II (one post)

Salary: Rs 8.000 per month consolidated

Essential Qualification: First class in M.Sc. (in Botany, Plant Science, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Wild Life, Biodiversity and Biotechnology). Freshers can also apply. Age limit as per government rules.

The research work requires local travel to various field stations within Gujarat.

General Conditions:
1.The appointment is purely on temporary basis for the period of duration of the project. It is not an appointment with the institute and will not confer any right of the incumbent to any claim implicit or explicit on any permanent position. Appointment will be initially for a period of 1 year to be extended further depending upon satisfactory performance of the incumbent and is co-terminus with the project.

2.During the tenure of the project, optimum level of physical fitness is required for field work during the rainy, winter and summer seasons of the year. The appointee should have strong motivation and strong work habits. He/she should able to show high organizational, communication and interpersonal skills.

Date, Time of Interview: 17th September, 2013 (Tuesday) at 10:30am

Please apply on plain paper with application addressing it to Dr. Dhiraj Naik, (Department of Environmental Sciences, IIAR, Gandhinagar-382007, Gujarat) along with curriculum vitae mentioning following details:
1.  Name,
2.  Pass port size photograph,
3.  Fathers name,
4.  Date of birth,
5.  Age,
6.  Sex,
7.  Nationality,
8.  Address,
9.  Telephone / mobile no.,
10. Email,
11. Academic qualifications,
Name of examination    Year of passing   Board/University  Percentage  Remark
12. NET-LS/GATE/ Research Experience,
13. Long term goal

Please bring original certificates and marksheets and 2-3 copies of curriculum vitae on the interview date.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Outstation candidates have to make their own arrangement for their stay.

Walk-in Interview on 17th September, 2013 (Tuesday) at 10:30am


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