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Opening for B.Pharm/M.Pharm as Junior Research Fellow, Project Assistant in CLRI

Clinical research courses

The World's largest Leather Research Institute, was founded on 24 April, 1948. CLRI made an initiative with foresight to link technology system with both academy and industry.
CLRI, today, is a central hub in Indian leather sector with direct roles in education, research, training, testing, designing, forecasting, planning, social empowerment and leading in science and technology relating to leather.
State-of-art facilities in CLRI support, innovation in leather processing, creative designing of leather products viz. leather garment, leather goods, footwear and development of novel environmental technologies for leather sector.

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai a National Laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), and one of the world's premier Institute engaged In Research & Development In the area of leather Science & Technology and associated with several International and National Program, seeks to engage talented candidates as Junior Research Fellows and Project Assistants as per qualification, age, experience etc. detailed below:

Post: Junior Research Fellow, Project Assistant

Junior Research Fellow (01)
Project No.: GAP 1024
Qualfication: Essential: B.Pharm /B.Tech (Biotechnology/Biomedical Engineering) with NET/GATE qualification
Desirable: M.Pharm/M. Tech(Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering with Experience in tissue culture techniques.
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 year Rs. 12,000/-p.m. + HRA 28 years

Junior Research Fellow (01)
Project No.: GAP 1043
Qualfication: Essential: M Sc. Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Polymer Chemistry with 55% marks and NET/GATE qualification.
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: Rs.12,000/- + HRA 1 year 28 years


Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: GAP 1043
Qualfication: M Sc. Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry/ Polymer Chemistry with 55% marks
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: Rs. 10,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: GAP 1060
Qualfication: 1st Class M.Sc Chemistry.
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 10,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: ERIPP
Qualfication: M.Sc Chemistry with 55% marks
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 14,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-IV (01)
Project No.: STRAIT
Essential: M.Sc Chemistry with 55% marks with 2 years of experience in characterization of amphiphiles and handling of Instruments such as GPC, Contact angle meter etc.
Independent handling of instruments like gel permeation chromotograph, particle size analyzer, contact angle meter, thermal analyzer and UV visible absorption Spectrometer
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 16,000/-p.m. 32 years


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Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: STRAIT
Qualfication: Essential:
M.Sc Physical Chemistry with 55% marks
Handling of sophisticated Instruments or material characterization using XRD microscopy
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 14,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: STRAIT
Qualfication: Essential:
M.Sc Chemlstry/M.Phil Chemistry with 55%
Experience in analysis of waste water samples
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 14,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-Ill (03)
Project No.: STRAIT
Qualfication: Essential: M.Sc (Chemistry, Bio Chemistry M.Phil Chemistry, with 55% marks
Desirable: Experience in handling of sophisticated instruments such as DSC, TGA, Particle size analyser, NMR, EPR and interpretation of results
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 year Rs. 14,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-Ill (01)
Project No.: STRAIT
Qualfication: Essential: M.Sc, Bio Chemistry, Bio Technology with 55% marks
Desirable: Experience in production of carbohydrate(s) for the fibre opening, preferably by solid state fermentation using already available fungi, standardization of production and activity parameters, application and evaluation studies etc
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 year Rs. 14,000/-p.m. 28 years

Project Assistant level-IV (01)
Project No.: CSC 0134
Essential: M Sc. Bio Chemistry with 55% marks and 2 years experience In relevant subjects
Desirable: Experience In handling tissue culture facility
Tenure/ Stipend/Max. Age: 1 Year Rs. 16,000/-p.m. 32 years

Candidates fulfilling the above mentioned qualification, age etc. may attend the walk-in-interview scheduled for 4th. Sept. 2013 at Triple Helix Auditorium, CLRI, at 9.30 a.m. along with application form (available in the website or ) duly filled with Xerox copies / photocopies of necessary certificates.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Relaxation in age: 5 years for SC/ST/Women/Person with Disability and 3 years for OBC.
2. The date for determining the qualifications, experience, age shall be the date of walk-in- interview.
3. Final Year / semester students those who are awaiting results are not eligible to be considered.
4. Tenure mentioned above may be extendable. In any case, the same shall be co-terminus with the Project or till such time job performed by him/her in the project exists whichever is earlier.
5. Candidates are requested not to send their applications in advance.
6. Original certificates must be produced for verification.
7. Candidates coming after 10.30a.m. will not be permitted for interview.
8. No Travelling Allowance will be paid for attending walk-in-interview.


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