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Career Opportunities in India for Scientists in Life Sciences at NII

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, is a leading research Institute in India with a long-standing reputation for scientific excellence. The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure for pursuing research in immunology and allied sciences. The Institute also imparts vigorous long-term research training leading to a Ph.D degree.

Post: Scientists

The Institute invites applications from early as well as mid-career scientists to set up independent research programmes to address immunological problems at the expanding interface of modern biology. Applicants should possess a Ph.D degree or an M.D. with four years relevant experience post-Ph.D/M.D. Demonstrated record of scientific productivity in the form of outstanding publications in scientific journals of repute and/or internationally valid and productive patents is essential. Applicants should have a commitment to excellence and willingness to collaborate in interdisciplinary projects.

Appointments will be offered as Staff Scientists in various grades, as per the Recruitment Rules of the Institute, which range from those equivalent to university positions of Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor upwards. Quality of the scientific productivity and capability of independent thinking will be major factors in deciding the level of appointment as well as the salary offered. Investigators will be provided shared laboratory space and adequate start-up resources. They are expected to generate extramural project based funding. Housing as per availability will be provided.

Eligible & interested scientists may submit their applications, with their curriculum vitae containing details of qualifications, positions held, professional experience/ distinctions, list of notable publications, proposed research plan (2 pages) and names & contact information of three potential referees, latest by November 15, 2013, to the Director, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi -110067, India or e-mail it to People working in public sector Institutions within India are requested to have their applications forwarded through proper channels.


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