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Research Positions as Lab/Field Project Assistant at NABI

Clinical research courses

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Government of India, Department of Biotechnology. The institute is a state of the art facility in globally competitive and translatable research areas at the interface of agricultural biotechnology, food processing and nutritional sciences. The campus is being established on 35 acres of land in Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali. It is currently operating from the above address in Mohali. The applications are invited from individuals with outstanding research record and enthusiasm to develop an organization with world class environment, the best of science, and partnerships with public and private sector.

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI has received BIRAC sponsored joint research project with Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia and applications are invited for the following position under externally funded project “Transfer and Evaluation of Indian Banana with Pro-Vitamin A (PVA) Constructs”:-

Post: Lab/Field Project Assistant

Number of Positions: One

Area: Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic Transformation and Research Farm related activities

Essential Qualification: B.Sc. / B. Tech/ M.Sc. in Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Agriculture/ Agronomy or any other related biological areas.
Desirable qualification:
a) Prior knowledge/experience in plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and maintenance of transgenic plant materials under in-vitro and containment conditions.
b) Prior knowledge/experience for performing various farm related operations and field experiments.
c) Basic knowledge of computer such as MS Office, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet etc.

Job Responsibility:
a) To assist scientists and research scholars in experiments
b) Maintenance of records of experiments, instruments and consumables
c) Any other scientific responsibilities assign by in-charge scientist

Age limit: 28 years* as on the last date of receipt of application.

Remuneration: Consolidated @ Rs.10,000/- per month as per NABI rules.

* Relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Women Candidates.

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The interested candidates may appear for a Walk-In-Interview on 05.09.2013 by the prescribed application form available on the website The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration from 0900 hrs to 1100 hrs on 05.09.2013. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates would not be interviewed.

The project is a part of the Multi-Institutional Core Project entitled “Development and Transfer of Technology from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia to India for Bio-fortification and Disease Resistance in Banana”. Project duration is of four years (from November 2012). However, initial appointment against all the above positions shall be for one year and further extension will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishment, but in no case shall exceed the duration of the project.

NABI may or may not select candidate against above mentioned research position, depending upon the suitability of the candidate to carry out high quality research. One month notice will be given by either party for the termination of engagement. The engagement is for the specific project as mentioned above and shall give no right whatsoever for automatic consideration against any other position/opportunity at NABI.

For more information on the above position please contact Dr. Siddharth Tiwari, Scientist-C, NABI; Email:; and/or visit our website

Advt. No.NABI/8(18)/2012-PME


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