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Applications are invited for Research Associate in IVRI

Clinical research courses

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own. The institute imparts quality post-graduate education to students not only from various parts of the country, but also from overseas.

Applications are invited for the engagement of one Research Associate (R.A.) under the NBSFARA project funded by ICAR entitled ‘‘Development of genetically engineered vaccines against economically important poultry viral disease”

Post: Research Associate

Essential qualification:
(1) Educational: Doctorate degree in Life Science or Veterinary Science, with specialization in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biochemistry (OR) Master Degree in relevant subject with 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years research experience as evidenced from fellowship/Associateship/Training/Other engagements. Published research paper will be desirable.
(2) Skills and Techniques: Experience in molecular biology techniques including RT-PCR, gene cloning and mammalian cell expression. Analytical skills related to assessment of serological assays and immune response. Candidate should preferably have experience of data analysis, handling of analytical equipments & computers. Mere acquaintance of techniques by attending trainings/workshop/seminar and course work will not be considered. Handling of birds would be an added advantage.

Emoluments: Rs. 23000/- (Fixed) +20% HRA for Master degree holders & 24000/- per months consolidated + HRA (20%) for Doctorate degree holders.

Age limit: The upper age limit as on date of interview shall be 40 years for RA. The relaxation in age in case of SC/ST/ OBC and women candidates is as per rule.

Tenure and condition of the position: The position is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis for a period of the project (likely date of completion May, 2016) / or termination of the project whichever is earlier. There is no provision of reengagements after termination of the project and IVRI/ICAR will have NO liability, whatsoever, for this position. PI will have the exclusive right to terminate the RA due to unsatisfactory performance without assigning any reason. Eligible candidates may attend the walk-in-interview along with all ORIGINAL certificates/degree.

Selection procedure: The eligible candidates may appear directly in a “Walk-in Interview’’ on 30-09-2013 at 10.30 a.m. in Recombinant DNA Lab, Division of Veterinary Biotechnology, IVRI. However, the candidates may send their detailed bio data along with a colour passport size photo to Dr. Sohini Dey, Sr. Scientist and Principal Investigator, Division of Veterinary Biotechnology, IVRI, Izatnagar-243 122, Bareilly (U.P). Candidates should be required to furnish all the testimonials in original at the time of interview. It may please be noted that TA/DA will NOT be given for appearing in the interview.


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