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Applications are invited for the position of PROJECT ASSISTANT in University of Madras

Clinical research courses

The Public Petition dated 11-11-1839 initiated the establishment of Madras University. It was in January 1840 with Mr.George Norton as its President, that the University Board was constituted. In 1854 after a lapse of 14 years, the Government of India formulated a systematic educational policy for India and as a sequel to this on 5th September 1857 by an act of legislative council of India the University was established. The University was organised in the model of London University.

Post: Project Assistant

Applications are invited for the position of ONE PROJECT ASSISTANT with the consolidated salary of Rs. 8,000/- per month to work in the DBT project entitled “Investigating protein aggregation using structural analysis, prediction methods and molecular dynamics study with applications to an eye disease, corneal dystrophy ” for the period of three years.

Essential Qualification:
M.Sc., Biophysics/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry /Life sciences with experience in handling bioinformatics softwares related to molecular modeling applications

The candidates shall not accept to hold any other appointment paid or otherwise receive any emoluments, salary, stipend etc., from any other source during the project tenure. The candidates shall do whole time work with the Principal Investigator on the research project for three years and can also register for Ph.D.

Send your CV on or before August 10, 2013 to and hard copy to
Dr. D. Velmurugan, Professor & Head, CAS in Crystallography and Biophysics University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600 025

Ref: CASCB/DV/DBT/Protein-Aggregation/Advertisement/13/


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