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Vacancy post of Assistant Professor in Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University

Clinical research courses

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University is Chhattisgarh's largest and oldest institution of higher education, founded in 1964, and named after the first chief minister of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh. The University has a sprawling campus in the western part of the capital of Chhattisgarh, Raipur. The campus of University is spread in 207 acres of land. There are Twenty-Nine teaching departments in the University. Out of which six departments buildings have been constructed recently. A variety of self financed courses have been initiated in some departments. The total number of employees is 700, who provide the administrative support at different levels.

Post: Assistant Professor

Application are invited on plain paper for appointment of Contract Assistant Professor in the University. Application must include details of Degree, Post Graduate, M.Phil, Ph.D, NET/SLET/GATE and Experience of Teaching with attested testimonials and certificates.

No. of post and category: 2(1 STBL, 1 UR)

General Conditions:-
1. Salary fixed pay Rs. 18840/- per month & as revised from C.G. Government time to time.
2. Candidates belonging to SC, ST & OBC of other state will be treated as Unreserved.
3. These appointments are purely temporary term appointment or contract basis for one academic session or till the regular appointment on the post, whichever is earlier.
4. Persons appointed under contract basis will not be entitled for pension or any other benefits like regular employees of the University.
5. The University reserves right to fill or not to fill any post advertised in this advertisement.
6. If any dispute arises regarding this advertisement the decision of the Kulpati shall be final.

Last date for receiept of applications 05-08-2013 by Registered/Speed post only.


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