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Walk in interview from Research Associate(Molecular Biology) in Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (IINRG) (formerly Indian Lac Research Institute (ILRI)) is a nodal Institute at national level for research and development on all aspects of lac and other natural gums & resins (excluding production) such as harvesting/ tapping, processing, product development, training, information repository, technology dissemination and national/international cooperation.

Post: Research Associate(Molecular Biology)

Essential Qualification: Masters Degree in Biotechnology / Moleculal Biology or Life Sciences (splecialization in molecular biology) with first devision or equivalent grade having at least two years research experiece or Ph.D in the relevant area.

Desirable: Experience in molecular biological techniques like DNA/ RNA/ Protein isolation. PCR, Gel electrophoresis, DNA finger printing cloning phylogeny and bioinformatics. SEM studies: as evidenced by engagement. training undergone, published work etc.

Age Limit: 40 yrs for men and 45 yrs for women.

Remuneration: Rs. 23000+ HRA (as permissable) per month for M.Sc and Rs.24000+ HRA (as pelntissible) per month for Ph.D

Job: To provide research support to the project work and any other duty assigned to him/her by the  CPI.

Nature: Contractual till conclusion of the project, subject to satisfactory performance. Other benefits and conditions as per ICEAR guidelines

- Candidates fulfilling the qualifications must bring their original certificates and attested copies along with two testimonials of Bio-data with photographs. Work experience etc. No Objection Certificate from the employer in case of employed elsewhere and experience certificate, if any,
- The appointment is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis: is co-terminus with the project and liable for termination at any time in case of unsatisfactory performance. There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR / 1INRG after termination of the time bound project.
- No TA/DA is admissable for appearing in the interview and no separate letter for interview will be issued.

ICAR- NAIP Project on, 'To understand the nature of diversity in lac inseets of kerria india and the nature of inseet x host interaction'

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