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Indian Institute of Chemical Technology invites Project Assistant, Research Associate | Walk in

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad is a premier R&D Institute in India. The Institute had its origin as the Central Laboratories for Scientific & Industrial Research (CLSIR), established in 1944 by the then Government of Hyderabad State. After integration of Hyderabad State with the Indian Union, the laboratory expanded with its growing activities. The main building was formally opened by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India on January 2, 1954. In 1956, the Central Laboratories came under the aegis of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and was renamed Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad (RRL-H).

IICT is conducting Walk-in-lnterview for the following positions on a purely temporary basis for the sponsored projects at 10.00 AM on 1st May 2013 at IICT Hyderabad

Post: Project Assistant, Research Associate

Position: PA-II
Project Title: Functionalised polymers for processing of soymilk and apple juice
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class in M.Sc. (Biochemistry) + 6 months-experience in the relevant field.

Position: PA-II
Project Title: Molecular property suite (MPDS): An OSDD chemoinformatics portal
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class M.Sc. (Life Sciencies/Chemistry) + 6 months experience in computer aided drug design

Position: PA-II
Project Title: Discovery   antimalarials   from   marine organism....
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) /+ 6 months experience in the relevant field.

Position: PA-II
Project Title: Designing   sugar   fused   glycosidase inhibitors using glycal template.
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) / equivalent CGPA in the relevant branch of chem + 6 months experience in the relevant field.

Position: PA-II
Project Title: Synthesis and biological evaluation of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and its analogues
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class in B.Sc. & M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) / equivalent CGPA in the relevant branch of chem. + 6 months experience in the relevant field.

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Position: PA-II
Project Title: DST-EU (ESCORT)
Essential Qualifications & Experience

First Class in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) + 6 months in materials applications.

Position: RA
Project Title: Molecular property suite (MPDS): An OSDB chemoinformatics portal
Essential Qualifications & Experience

Ph.D (Computational Chemistsry/Bioinformatics)

Position: RA
Project Title: DSSC-Q DSSC
Essential Qualifications & Experience

Ph.D (Catalysis) + experience in synthesis of graphene derivatives

Position: RA
Project Title: Green Chem process for industrially imp...
Essential Qualifications & Experience

Ph.D (Heterogeneous catalysis) + experience in industrial process

Remuneration Age
Project Assistant Level - II Rs. 12,000/- 28 Yrs
Research Associate (As per Proj. Sanction) 35 Yrs

* Upper age limit relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/PH/WOMEN and 3 years for OBC

The Selection will be on the basis of Interview. The engagement will be initially for a period of six months/one year, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of sponsored project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee, as the case may Jpe. The engagement will be purely on temporary basis for the sponsored project and -does not entitle him/her for the*CSIR/IICT post/fellowship.

Eligible candidates may download the application form from our website and appear for Interview along with the duly filled in application form supported by Bio-data and one set of attested photo copies of Certificates of educational qualification, age, experience, caste (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates), latest passport size photograph and the candidates are required to bring all the original certificates for verificationr.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Note; Registration of candidates will commence from 09.00 A.M to 10.00 A.M. on the above dates.


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