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A review on Forensic Analytical Chemistry

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PharmaTutor (December - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 12)


Received On: 12/08/2017; Accepted On: 16/08/2017; Published On: 01/12/2017


Manimala M*1, Vijay Kumar D1
Santhi Ram College of Pharmacy
Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. India



The  word  “forensic”  means  “pertaining  to  the  law”;  forensic  science  resolves  legal  issues  by  applying   scientific  principles  to  them. Forensic  Analysis  is  the  application  of  Analysis    to  law  enforcement   or  the   failure  of  products  or  processes.  It  is  unique  among  chemical  sciences  in  that  its  research,  practice,  and   presentation  must   meet  the  needs  of  both  the   scientific  and  the   legal  communities. Forensic  Analysis     applie d  the  basic  theory  and  mythology  of  advanced  analytical  chemistry  to  rationalize  various  materials   of    crimes    and    provide    evidence    to    detection.  Forensic    Analysis    is    carried    out    by    the    two    types    of   techniques  namely    Organic  An alytical  Technique  &In - Organic  Analytical  Technique.  And  this  review  article  covers regarding how Analytical techniques are useful in forensic analysis to resolve major problems of common  man.



How to cite this article: Manimala M, Vijay KD;A review on Forensic Analytical Chemistry; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(12); 12-17