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Pharmatutor Paper 1

Clinical research courses

                                         SAMPLE PAPER-1



   1. Dissolution is affected by

         1. Surface area
         2. Temperature
         3. Viscosity
         4. None of above

   2. The first U.S.P was published in
         1. English and Spanish
         2. English and Latin
         3. English and French
         4. French and Latin

   3. Shrinkage of gel by extrusion of liquid is called
         1. Syneresis
         2. Dilatancy
         3. Plasticity
         4. Ebullition

   4. As per G.M.P. permitted limit of solid content in water for injection is
         1. 0.1 ppm
         2. 1.0 ppm
         3. 10 ppm
         4. 100 ppm

   5. In extemporaneous preparation of a suspension, levigation is used to,
         1. Reduced viscosity
         2. Reduced zeta potential
         3. Reduce particle size
         4. Avoid bacterial growth

   6. Bancroft rule is related with
         1. Solutions
         2. Suspensions
         3. Emulsions
         4. Suppositories

   7. How to calculate total V.P of the system?
         1. C = Ca + Cb
         2. P = Pa + Pb
         3. P = Pa + Pb (Pc)
         4. P = Pa - Pb

   8. Particle size of colloidal solution dispersion is,
         1. 1x 10-9 to 1x 10-4 mm
         2. 1x 10-7 to 1x 10-5 mm
         3. 1x 10-4 to 1x 10-1 mm
         4. 1x 10-6 to 1x 10-3 mm

   9. Which formula is used to calculate children’s dose of 2 years old
         1. Fried's formula
         2. Bastedo's formula
         3. Clark's formula
         4. Dilling's formula

  10. The vehicle used in progesterone injection B.P is

         1. Fixed oil
         2. Lard
         3. Glycerine
         4. None of above


                              Answers are at the end of the sample paper.