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Clinical research courses

                                        SAMPLE PAPER-1



   1. The best medium for production of penicillin is
         1. Nutrient Agar
         2. Corn steep liquor
         3. Sulfite waste liquor
         4. Whey

   2. In streptococcus fecalis where the conjugation takes place
         1. pilli
         2. cell membrane
         3. cell wall
         4. flagella

   3. In Gm+ve and Gm-ve bacteria  electron transport contain
         1. Naphthquinone
         2. Plastoquinone
         3. Ubiquinone
         4. Both a and b

   4. The genetic material in HIV is
         1. ds DNA
         2. ss DNA
         3. s DNA
         4. none

   5. Which one of the following act on replicating DNA
         1. Ethidium bromide
         2.  Nitrosogeranidine
         3. Acridine orange
         4. None of above