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                                          SAMPLE PAPER-1


Bio-Chemistry Clinical pharmacy

   1. α D-glucose + 112? à + 525? à 19? β D glucose.for glucose above represents
         1. optical isomerism
         2. mtarotation
         3. epimerization
         4. D and L isomer

   2. A vasodilating compound is produced by  decarboxylation of amino acid
         1. Arginine
         2. Aspartic acid
         3. Glutamine
         4. Histidine

   3. Te enzyme which can add water to C=C or remove water to create a double bond without breaking of double bond is

         1. Hydratase
         2. Hydroxylase
         3. Hydrolase
         4. Esterase

   4. The vitamin required for synthesis of hydroxyproline is
         1. Vit-A
         2. Vit-D
         3. Vit-C
         4. Vit-K

   5. during synthesis for porphyrins,synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid occurs in
         1. cytosol
         2. Both a and b
         3. Ribosomes
         4. mitochondria

   6. In serum product of Ca x p (in mg/100ml) in children is normally
         1. 20
         2. 30
         3. 50
         4. 60

   7. Excess intake of cobalt for longer time leads to
         1. Polycythemia
         2. Megaloblastic anaemia
         3. Pernicious anaemia
         4. Microcytic anaemia

   8. The transketolase enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway requires
         1. Penthothenic acid
         2. Thiamine
         3. Riboflavin
         4. Nicotinic acid

   9. In biosynthesis of cholesterol, the step which controls rate and locus of metabolic regulation is

         1. GPPàFPP
         2. Squaleneàlanosterol
         3. HMG CO-Aàmevalonate
         4. Lanosterolà14-desmethyl lanosterol

  10. conversion of deoxyuridine monophosphate to thymidine monophosphate is catalysed by enzyme

         1. ribonucleoside reductase
         2. thymidylate synthtase
         3. CTP synthetase
         4. Orotidylic acid decarboxylase


                                 Answers are at the end of the sample paper.