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Question Paper of GPAT - 2010 {8}

Clinical research courses

Q.71 Which one of the following is a flocculating agent for a negatively charged drug?

(A) Aluminium chloride      (B) Bentonite

(C) Tragacanth             (D) Sodium biphosphate

Q.72 In the mixing of thymol and menthol the following type of incompatibility occurs :

(A) Chemical incompatibility            (B) Therapeutic incompatibility

(C) Physical incompatibility              (D) Tolerance incompatibility

Q.73 Thioglycolic   acid-like   compounds   have   applications   in   following   type   of  cosmetic formulations :

(A) Depilatory preparations               (B) Epilatory preparations

(C) Vanishing creams                  (D) Skin tan preparations

Q.74 Humectants added in cosmetic preparations generally act by

(A) hydrogen bond formation           (B) covalent bond formation

(C) complex formation              (D) the action of London forces

Q.75 Bacopa monnieri plant belongs to the family

(A) Scrophulariaceae   (C) Polygalaceae

(B) Leguminosae        (D) Rubiaceae

Q.76 One mg of Lycopodium spores used in quantitative microscopy contains an average of

(A) 94,000 spores     (B) 92,000 spores            (C) 90,000 spores     (D) 91,000 spores

Q.77 Anisocytic stomata are present in

(A) Senna                (B) Digitalis

(C) Belladonna    (D) Coca

Q.78 An example of N-glycoside is

(A) Adenosine   (C) Rhein-8-glucoside

(B) Sinigrin    (D) Aloin

Q.79 Alkaloids are NOT precipitated by

(A) Mayer's reagent        (C) Picric acid

(B) Dragendorff s reagent  (D) Millon's reagent

Q.80 Guggul lipids are obtained from

(A) Commiphora molmol   (C) Commiphora wightii

(B) Boswellia serrata   (D) Commiphora abyssinica


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