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Question Paper of GPAT {3}

Clinical research courses

Q.21 Which one of the following is the commonly used bulking agent in the formulation of freeze dried low dose drug products?

(A) Sodium chloride         (B) Mannitol

(C) Starch                       (D) HPMC

Q.22 The ability of human eye using illuminated area to detect a particle is limited to

(A) 0.4 micron     (B) 25 micron     (C) 50 micron     (D) 10 micron

Q.23 Highly branched three dimensional macromolecules with controlled structures with all bonds originating from a central core are known as

(A) cyclodextrins      (B) dextrans    (C) dendrimers    (D) liposomes

Q.24 Which filler can NOT be used for the preparation of tablets for amine containing basic drugs to avoid discoloration of the tablets?

(A) Dicalcium phosphate      (B) Microcrystalline cellulose

(C) Starch                            (D) Lactose

Q.25 Stevens Johnson syndrome is the most common adverse effect associated with one of the following category of drugs

(A) Sulphonamides          (B) Macrolides

(C) Penicillins                   (D) Tetracyclines

Q.26 The rate limiting steps.n cholesterol biosynthesis is one of the followings :

(A) LDL-receptor concentration       (B) VLDL secretion

(C) Mevalonic acid formation           (D) Co-enzyme A formation

Q.27 Identify the one rational combination which has clinical benefit:

(A) Norfloxacin - Metronidazole     (B) Alprazolam - Paracetamol

(C) Cisapride - Omeprazole           (D) Amoxycillin - Clavulanic acid

Q.28 Digitalis toxicity is enhanced by co-administration of

(A) Potassium     (B) Quinidine      (C) Diuretics      (D) Antacids

Q.29 Ganciclovir is mainly used for the treatment of infection caused by

(A) Cytomegalovirus              (B) Candida albicans

(C) Herpes zoster virus         (D) Hepatitis B virus

Q.30 Aliskiren acts by

(A) inhibiting the conversion of Angiotensin I to II

(B) inhibiting the release of rennin

(C) inhibiting the binding of Angiotensin II to the receptor

(D) inhibiting the action of aldosterone

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