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Question Paper of GPAT - 2010 {10}

Clinical research courses


Q.91 Amitryptyline is synthesized from the following starting material:

(A) Phthalic anhydride       (B) Terephthalic acid

(C) Phthalamic acid            (D) Phthalimide

Q.92 Rabies vaccine (living) is prepared using

(A) Sheep blood        (B) Mice lymph               (C) Horse plasma     (D) Fertile eggs

Q.93 The temperature condition for storage of drug products under cold temperature is given as :

(A) temperature between 8°C and 25°C         (B) temperature below 2°C

(C) temperature at 0°C                       (D) temperature between 2°C and 8°C

Q.94 In nail polish, following polymer is used as a film-former :

(A) Nitrocellulose               

(B) Polylactic acid

(C) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose                      

(D) Cellulose acetate phthalate

Q.95 Drugs following one compartment open model pharmacokinetics eliminate

(A) bi-exponentially            (B) tri-exponentially

(C) non-exponentially        (D) mono-exponentially

Q.96 Drugs in suspensions and semi-solid formulations always degrade by

(A) first order kinetics         (B) second order kinetics

(C) zero order kinetics         (D) non-linear kinetics

Q.97 Coulter counter is used in determination of

(A) particle surface area     (B) particle size

(C) particle volume             (D) all of A, B, C

Q.98 The following protein/polypeptide has a quaternary structure :

(A) α-Chymotrypsin            (B) Hemoglobin

(C) Insulin                      (D) Myoglobin

Q.99 Oxidative phosphorylation involves

(A) Electron transport system

(B) Substrate level phosphorylation

(C) Reaction catalyzed by succinic thiokinase in TCA cycle

(D) None of the above

Q.100 Many xenobiotics are oxidized by cytochrome P450 in order to

(A) increase their biological activity

(B) increase their disposition in lipophilic compartments of the body

(C) increase their aqueous solubility

(D) all of the above


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