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Pacific University offers Doctoral Research Programme leading to Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy & Other departments

Clinical research courses

The Pacific University has come into existence by virtue of an special Act of Rajasthan State Assembly and is sponsored by the Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research Society. Ever since its humble beginning in the 1997, with the establishment of Pacific Institute of Management & Pacific Commerce College,it is striving to make its mark on the national educational map. Today, the society continues to take rapid strides in the field of higher & technical education with the establishment of over 18 institutes in last 12 years,including that of Dental Science, Management, Pharmacy, Engineering, Hotal management ,Education, Arts, Science, Fashion Technology, Media & Mass Communication, Research Programme etc.

University offers Doctoral Research Programme leading to Ph.D. degree in the following faculties.

Eligibility Criteria for Ph.D. Supervisor in the Faulty of Management/ Engineering/ Computer Science/ Commerce/ Pharmacy/ Science/ Hotel Management/ Social Science & Humanities/ Education

R.1.1 (a) A faculty member is to be recognized as Research Supervisor for Ph.D. Programme should have a Ph. D. degree in the faculty or in a related discipline and

R.1.1 (b) He/she should have a minimum of two publications in National/ International journals/magazines with ISSN numbers to prove his/her interest in research and

R.1.1 (c) He/she should have at least 05 years of PG teaching or 10 years of UG teaching experience and presently teaching P.G. students or 10 years of sponsored research experience from nationally/internationally renowned agencies like UGC, CSIR, ICSSR etc.

R.1.2 Any person who has already supervised 5 or more candidates for doctoral research from any recognized university, can be approved Ph.D. Supervisor by the Dean P.G. Studies on scrutiny by himself/herself.

R.1.3 The University will constitute Research Committee of at least three members comprising the Dean P.G. Studies, Dean of the Faculty and One nominee of the President of the University to look into the fulfillment of the above criteria before giving recognition as Ph.D. Supervisor.

R.1.4 A Supervisor shall not have, at any given point of time, more than the following number of Ph.D. scholars (including students from all universities).
Professor : 8
Associate Professor : 7
Assistant Professor : 5

Students from foreign countries may be in addition to the above numbers, subject to fulfilling AICTE norms for such students. The aforesaid number shall not include Ph. D. Scholars guided by a Supervisor or as Co-supervisor.
R.1.5 Any Faculty offering Ph.D. programmes should have a P.G. programme in the area or allied discipline.
R.1.6 Age of supervisor shall not exceed 70 years at the time of his/her approval as supervisor and not exceed 75 years at the time of registration of a candidate under him/her.

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Faculty of Pharmacy Qualification: Masters’ degree in relevant discipline from a recognized University/ Institute with a minimum of 55% marks.

Procedure for Admission
R.2.1 Candidates desirous to pursue Ph.D. should have Master’s degree from a recognized university/Institute in the relevant discipline or PGDM approved by AICTE, New Delhi or qualified examination conducted by professional bodies leading to CA/CS/ICWAI shall be eligible to pursue Ph.D. degree. Candidate who has published at least one research publication at the time of applying for Ph.D. shall be given preference in admission. The qualification for admission in the Ph.D. Programme in various faculties is specified in the Schedule I.
R.2.2 University shall admit Doctoral students through an Admission Test.
R.2.3 The admission test shall be followed by an interview by the Research Board appointed by the university.
R.2.4 At the time of interview, candidates are expected to discuss their research interest/area.
R.2.5 Admission to Ph.D. degree shall be based on combined merit of the Admission Test as well as an interview organized by the University.

Course work
After having been admitted, each Ph. D candidate, before preparing the synopsis is required by the University to undertake course work in the concerned faculty as decided by the concerned Dean Faculty within one or at most in two terms and shall have to earn minimum Credit/Grade as specified in the schedule from the date of admission. The course work is to be carried out in the faculty where he/she is registered. The detail information about the course work in the various faculties is specified in the Schedule III.

“The M.Phil. Passed candidates shall be exempted for carrying out the Course Work of Doctoral Research Programme.”

R.6.1 The candidate shall require to remit the prescribed fee for pursuing Ph.D. in the various Faculties as specified in the Schedule II.
R.6.2 The fee is subject to revision by the university at its discretion and the candidate will have to pay the revised fee as & when made applicable.
R.6.3 A candidate will have to pay fee for maximum of 6 terms from the date of his/her registration. However, if a candidate does not submit his thesis within 8 terms from the date of his/her registration then the candidate will have to pay term fee again from 9th term of his/her registration. (R.8.5) However, if women candidate availing maternity leave for 6 months then she would be provided additional 6 months to submit the thesis.

* The Ph.D. candidate shall bear all expenses by himself/herself towards conduct of the study for research work. The available physical infrastructure and library facility of the University can be used for the research work.
* The rules and regulation are subject to changes from time to time in accordance with directives from P.G. Council and Academic Council.
* In case any matter is not covered by the above stated rules, the decision of the Research Board shall be final.
* Students requesting for change of Guide /Supervisor within one year from the date of registration shall have to pay INR 15000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) other then the prescribed fees of Ph.D. at the time of making such application/request
* And, students requesting for change of Guide/Supervisor after completion of one year from the date of registration shall have to pay INR 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) other then the prescribed fees of Ph.D. at the time of making such application/request.


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