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Walk in interview for Junior Pharmacist in UNMICRC

Clinical research courses

The U N Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Centre (UNMICRC) is a grant–in–aid institute promoted by the Government of Gujarat as a public trust. The Institute is affiliated to the BJ Medical College, Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, which is a Government Medical College. In UNMICRC, emergency related tertiary care cardiac treatment is rendered to all classes of cardiac patients particularly the poorest of poor cardiac patients.

Post : Junior Pharmacist

B. Pharm / D. Pharm. from recognized University/institute/college. 
Registration with Gujarat Pharmacy Council under the Pharmacy act, 1948 is must at the time of  appointment.

Experience  in  a  Cardiac  Hospital  /  Cardiac  department  in  Multi - Specialty  Hospital  /  Multi  Specialty Hospital/any hospital will be preferred.

- Consolidated Pay of  Rs. 9,000/ - per month. 
- 10 % yearly increment on consolidated pay (gross).
- Leave,  PF,  Gr atuity  and  Group  Health  Insurance  and  other  benefits  will  be  as  per  rules  of  the  Institute .


Important General Instructions and Conditions
1. Applicants have to come with all original documents and certified true copy of each documents. (viz. Birth Date, Academic Qualifications, attempt, mark sheet, relevant experience certificate issued by supervising authority, special achievement, if any; and one passport size photograph, etc.).
2. All appointments will be on contractual basis, for a period of 2 years. Contract will be renewed after appraisal and satisfactory completion of contract tenure. Working Performance will be considered for further increase in pay and other benefits.

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3. As per new retention policy of the Institute, higher remuneration can be considered in a very well deserving candidate as per requirement of the Institute considering MCI, work performance status and merit, where last remuneration pay slip is required. Original proof of salary and other allowances is required to be shown before final negotiation.
4. Experience in Cardiac Hospital/Cardiac department in Multi‐Specialty Hospital /Multi specialty hospital will be preferred.
5. Computer literacy is essential for all the posts.
6. Test for English, Typing and Subject specific question will be taken at the time of interview.
7. Criteria of Age, Qualification, Experience and other Terms & Conditions etc., may be relaxed in deserving cases.
8. Shift duty for all the posts, is the requirement of the institute. Duty hours will be decided by the Institute.
9. Institute reserves all rights to make any necessary changes in criteria / rules.
10. Institute can consider Skype-Interview for teaching post, if candidate is unable to attend the interview personally.
11. Institute has right to change or postpone interview date, time & place which will be updated on website.

Walk in Interview
Date: 12/04/2017
Time: 10:00AM
Venue: 3rd Floor

Full Address of Interview Venue:
 4th Floor, New Building
U. N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Center,
Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad – 16

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