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Vacancy for Professor, Associate Professor at at BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya

Clinical research courses

Today’s Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya is the ‘dream come true’ of Bhagat Phool Singh Ji, who established a Gurukul for girls at Khanpur Kalan in 1936. Even after the demise of Bhagat Phool Singh, his equally dynamic daughter Subhashini Ji not only took control of Gurukul but worked vigorously in expanding the Gurukul in terms of its various constituent institutions like BPS Memorial Girls’ College (1967), BPS College of Education (1968), MSM Ayurvedic College (1973), BPS Mahila Polytechnic (1984), TIG Bhainswal Kalan(1999) and PSD Girls’ Law College (2003).

Applications are invited on the prescribed form, available on University website, with required fee for the following budgeted Teaching posts in the pay-scale approved by the UGC/State Govt. on or before 28.03.2017

Professor: Pharmacy- (SC-01),
Associate Professor (Pharmaceutical Science-(BC-A-01)

Associate Professor:
I. Essential:
1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.).
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy, and experience of eight years in teaching, research, industry and / or profession at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade; excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
4. A minimum score as stipulated in the academic performance indicator (API) based performance based appraisal system (PBAS) , set out in UGC regulation Appendix III.
II. In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as
1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy;
2. Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and industrial / professional experience of eight years in a position equivalent to the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade.


Provided that the recognition for significant professional shall be valid only if the same is recommended unanimously by a 3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
III. Desirable:
1. Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
2. Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books and / or technical reports; and
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of post graduate or research students or supervising R&D projects in industry.

I. Essential:

1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B. Pharm.).
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy, and experience of ten years in teaching, research, industry and / or profession at the level of lecturer or equivalent grade excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
4. A minimum score as stipulated in the academic performance indicator ( API) based performance based appraisal system( PBAS) , set out in UGC regulation Appendix- III with minimum 10 publications as research/policy papers/books. OR II. In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential: 1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy; and 2. Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and industrial / professional experience of five years at a senior level comparable to Reader or equivalent grade;, Provided that the recognition for significant professional shall be valid only if the same is recommended unanimously by a 3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

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III. Desirable:
1. Teaching, industrial research and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
2. Published work, such as research papers, patents filed / obtained, books, and / or technical reports;
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of post graduate or research students or supervising R&D projects in industry;
4. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing academic, research, industrial and / or professional activities; and
5. Capacity to undertake / lead sponsored R&D, consultancy and related activities.

1. The candidates who are already in the Service of Govt. / Semi Govt / Universities/ Aided/affiliated/recognized college/institutions must apply through proper channel. They may send an advance copy to avoid delay, but the application must also be received through proper channel or they should produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of interview, otherwise they will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
2. Submission of incomplete application i.e. without attested / self attested copies of testimonials / academic certificates / experience certificate etc., prescribed fee may render the candidate ineligible.
3. The number of posts may be increased or decreased by the university, including complete withdrawal, without assigning any reason.
4. Applications should be submitted strictly in the prescribed Proforma as prescribed by the University and uploaded on the University website( Applications submitted in other than the prescribed Proforma shall be summarily rejected.
5. The University reserves the right not to fill or withdraw any or all of the advertised posts without assigning any reason.
6. The abbreviations are to be interpreted as follows: Gen: General Category, SC: Scheduled Caste; BC: Backward Class; EBPG: Economically Backward Person General Category; ESM: Ex-Servicemen; DESM: Dependent of Ex-Servicemen; PWD: Person with Disability.
7. Latest Passport size photograph (not older than six months) duly self attested must be affixed on the application form.
8. The reserved post will be filled up as per latest Haryana Govt. instruction.
9. If applications for any advertised posts are received in large numbers, the appointing authority can shortlist the candidates for interview either by holding written test or on the basis of rational criteria. The decision of the appointing authority in all matters including suitability of candidates, mode and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
10. The eligibility of the candidates i.e. qualification, experience and age will be considered upto the closing date of receipt of application i.e. on 28.03.2017.
11. No TA/DA for attending the test / interview etc. will be paid.
12. For each post application be submitted separately with requisite fee.
13. Candidates must write “Application for the post of -----------------------------“ with category on the top of envelop in which the application is being submitted and the applicants shall write the name the Regional Centre, if applying for any of the Regional Centre.

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14. The last date of receipt of applications in the office of Registrar, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan is 28.03.2017 upto 3.00 P.M. In case, last date is declared a holiday, the application shall be received upto 3.00 PM on the next working day. Application received after this date shall be summarily rejected.
15. Age relaxation to the candidates belonging to reserved categories such as SC, BC, ESM, PWD shall be given as per the Haryana Govt. rules.
16. Benefit of reservation will be given only to Haryana Domicile candidates.
17. Appointment of DESM candidates shall be considered to the extent of non-availability of suitable Ex-Serviceman.
18. University will not be responsible for any postal delay and applications received late will be rejected.
19. Posts under UGC Scheme are temporary but likely to continue.
20. Preference will be given to women candidates.
21. No concession of fee is admissible to applicants of other States.
22. Candidates applying for a post must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions on the last date of application. If on verification at any time before or after the written examination or interview or appointment, if it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility condition or it is found that the information furnished is false or incorrect their candidature / appointment will be cancelled.
23. The experience will be considered only after acquiring the essential qualification.
24. The Bank Draft (Teaching posts) of Rs.1,000/- for General Category and Rs.250/- for SC/BC category candidates in favour of Registrar, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan payable at Punjab National Bank, Khanpur Kalan (Sonipat). The women candidates of Haryana domicile are to pay 50% of the requisite fee irrespective of their category. The PWD/ESM/EBPG candidates are exempted from payment of requisite fee. 33
25. A relaxation of 5% marks at Master’s level to SC/ST and Physically/ Visually Handicapped candidates is admissible for the post of Assistant Professor in the case of those required to possess UGC/ State Govt. approved qualifications. 26. In the case of inter-disciplinary subjects, clear preference at the level of Assistant Professor will be given to those having Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned subject, that is, the subject for which the post is meant for, unless otherwise indicated in any particular case. 27. For the post of Assistant Professor, the number of candidates to be called for interview shall be 20 for single vacancy and 10 for each additional vacant post (category wise). The candidate(s) shall be called for interview in order of their ranks in the list prepared by the Screening Committee on the basis of marks secured by the candidates out of the total of 55 marks mentioned in corresponding Selection Criteria. Marks obtained in above mentioned criteria will be excluding marks of domain knowledge, inter-disciplinary subject knowledge and interview.
28. The criterion mentioned at Point No.
27 shall be applicable only when the number of shortlisted candidates is 20 or more.
29. For candidates who are in employment and have applied through proper channel, age bar shall not be applicable.
30. While counting teaching experience, one full academic year and not part of it shall be considered. Here, academic year means at least 150 days teaching including both semesters.
Note :- i) The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/BC-A/BC-B/ PWD/EBPG and ESM and outstanding sportsperson candidates who are domicile of Haryana State. The SC/BC-A/BC-B/PWD/ EBPG candidates are required to enclose SC/BC-A/BC-B/PWD/ EBPG/ESM Certificate duly issued by the competent authority with the application and in original at the time of interview. Likewise the Outstanding Sports Person shall be required to produce the sport gradation certificate as per Government instructions duly issued by the competent authority. DESM shall be required to produce a fresh Eligibility Certificate duly issued by the respective Zila-Sainik Board at the time of interview.


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