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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Gid

Clinical research courses

It is propused to engage the following cuntructuil services for setting up of Ayurvedic Health Centers in the districts of Assam namely Barpeta, Nstlbari, Goal pant, Darrang, Sonitpur. Marigaon. Nagaon, Gulnghat, Jorhat and Kamrup(R) and Institute Those candidates who qualify the written lest will be interviewed on the same day. The requirement and odter tie tails are as under.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Post : 02 nos (for SCSP and THCRP)

Qualification :
Essential: Diploma in Pharmacy/D. Pharm.(Ay.) from any recognize university/lnstitnitions with 02 years experience in recognize Ayurvedic hospital or B. Pharm(Ay.)

Remuneration (fixed) : Rs 16,000/- PM (fixed pay)

Age limit up to : 27 years


General condition:
I Age limit of the candidate will be determined as on 01,01,2017. Relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC ns per Govt rules.
2. The above post will be rilled up initially for a period of six months which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion oJ the competent authority and ihcir engagement will be co-terminus.
3.  The engagement of above posts will be purely otl contractual basis & no right to claim for continuance or regular appointment,
4.  Applicants should submiL a set of self attested testimonial and original certificates, experience certificate etc. for verification and two recent passport size photographs.
5. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the written test/ Interview,
6.The selection committee has right to select or reject application of candidate,
7. The above advertisement may also be seen and format for submission of Bio-data may be downloaded from Council's website
8. The candidates are required to appear for written lest against each posL


Date and time of Written test) Interview 18.03-2017 at 9:30 AM

Application Form>>

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