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University of Madras inviting applications for admission in Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Clinical research courses

The Public Petition dated 11-11-1839 initiated the establishment of Madras University. It was in January 1840 with Mr.George Norton as its President, that the University Board was constituted. In 1854 after a lapse of 14 years, the Government of India formulated a systematic educational policy for India and as a sequel to this on 5th September 1857 by an act of legislative council of India the University was established. The University was organised in the model of London University.

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is awarded to a candidate who, as per these regulations, has submitted a thesis on the basis of original and independent research in any particular discipline or involving more than one discipline (inter-disciplinary), that makes a contribution to the advancement of knowledge, which is approved by Board of examiners as required.

For purposes of admission to the Ph.D. programme, a candidate should have obtained a Master’s Degree with 55% marks in the qualifying examination. For SC/ST candidates and for candidates who have completed the PG degree before 1991, the minimum can be only 50% for admission to the Ph.D programme.

Admissions for Ph.D. programme can be made four times in a year, i.e., January, April, July and October. Applications can be downloaded from the University websie and submit the same with processing fee of Rs.500/- (fee exempted for SC / ST)The application forms will be available during the months of December, March, June and September every year for admitting the candidates for four sessions. Candidates should submit their applications on or before the first working day of a quarter, viz., January, April, July and October. Admission to Ph.D. programme shall be completed in the first month itself in each session. Registrations for Ph.D. may be done throughout the year.


There shall be the following categories of candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme: a. Full-time scholar (with or without stipend or fellowship) b. Part-time scholar (teacher or non-teacher, internal vis-à-vis external) The candidates belonging to any of the above categories may register at University Departments, Affiliated Colleges, Research Institutions, or R & D Centres/Laboratories coming under these regulations.

FULL-TIME The following candidates are eligible to register for the full-time Ph.D. programme. A candidate who has qualified for:
a. Master’s Degree in the faculties of Arts, Sciences, Fine Arts, Languages, Commerce, Education, Management Science of this University or equivalent thereto.
b. Master’s Degree in the faculties of Law, Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Medicine including the Degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D. or M.R.C.P), or Master of Surgery (M.S. or F.R.C.S./M.R.C.S.), Indian Medicine, Veterinary Science, M.Pharm. and Agriculture of this University or equivalent thereto.
c. M.B.B.S. Degree with two years of Senior House Surgeoncy /Special training or equivalent thereof recognized by the Medical Council of India or competent authority.
d. Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science, Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani Medicines etc., with two years Senior House Surgeoncy/equivalent special training in related disciplines of two years duration.
e. ACA, FCA, AICWAI, ACSI qualifications of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India provided the candidates have secured:
i) One of the above qualifications after the lapse of at least two years after obtaining a University UG degree from any recognized University and ii) 55% or more marks in the aggregate in the qualifying degree examination.
f. Research fellows/Research Assistants/Technical Assistants/Project Fellows/Project Assistants/Training Officers in extension departments approved by the University, appointed in the research projects funded by recognized agencies/Government are also eligible to register for Ph.D. on a full-time basis in the same department provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria stated above

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FULL-TIME A candidate registered as a full-time scholar for the Ph.D. programme possessing any one of the above qualifications as mentioned in Section 3 supra shall work continuously in the department under a supervisor for a minimum period of THREE YEARS after provisional registration and before submission of the thesis.

A candidate applying for provisional registration shall furnish all the information inter alia in the form prescribed together with the fee prescribed.

Every applicant who satisfies all the conditions and procedures prescribed shall, after approval by the University, be provisionally registered for the Ph.D. programme.

Registration for the Ph.D. programme must be done by the candidate within TWO months after getting the permission from the University with all documents. A delay upto SIX months for registration can be accepted with a penal fee of Rs.3,000/- and reasons for the delay must be submitted. Also the delay in registration can also be accepted upto ONE year with a penal fee of Rs.10,000/- and the reasons for the late registration must be submitted.

Exactly after ONE year from the date of permission, if the candidate fails to apply for provisional registration he/she should not be allowed to pursue the research. For inter-disciplinary research, the proposal under inter-disciplinary research should be submitted in the prescribed format (Appendix A) duly approved by the departmental committee along with the minutes and forwarded by the supervisor and Head of the Department concerned.

A candidate seeking exemption for Methodology Examinations and reduction of one year in the duration of Ph.D. Research on disciplinary basis and exemption for Research Methodology Examination alone and reduction of one year in the duration of Ph.D. Research on inter-disciplinary basis should submit M.Phil. (Provisional & Convocation) Certificate while submitting application for Registration. If certificates are not submitted, registration will be processed based on only P.G. Qualification.


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