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Recruitment for Pharmacist in CUSB

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from the eligible Indian citizens for following Non-Teaching posts- Group "C" direct recruitment:

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 01

Scale of pay: Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) + Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-

Age limit for Direct Recruitment: 32 years.

Educational and other qualification required Essential:
1. 10+2 in Science subjects from a recognized board.
2. Diploma in Pharmacy from an institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India.
OR Bachelor degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institute approved by the Pharmacy Council of India.
3. Registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
4. At least 3 years’ relevant working experience.


# Candidates who have applied for these posts need to apply afresh as the said posts advertised earlier vide Advertisement No CUSB/Advt./28/2015 dated 09.11.2015 stands withdrawn and fee will be refunded.

* The list of shortlisted candidates shall be placed on the University website on 24.03.2017 and the skill/written test shall be held on 27.03.2017. The result will be declared on 28.03.2017. The selected candidates shall be required to join on the said posts positively by 31st March, 2017.

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Details about pay band, grade pay, qualifications, experience, reservation, relaxation in age, etc. and the application form/proforma can be downloaded from our Website:

Duly filled-in application form, complete in all respects along with application fee (for both regular/contractual posts) of `500/- (exempted for SC, ST, PwD and Female candidates) through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Registrar, Central University of South Bihar” on any nationalized bank payable at Patna must reach the office of The Registrar, Central University of South Bihar, BIT Campus, P.O. : B.V. College, Patna-800014 on or before 22nd March, 2017.

Persons already in employment should apply “Through Proper Channel” or produce ‘NOC’ from their present employer at the time of interview. Please superscribe the Advt. No…. and Post applied for… on top of the envelope.

Application Form>>

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