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Multiple Job openings in NIBMG

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The National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG)  is an Autonomous Institute of  the Government of  India , under  the aegis of  the Department of Biotechnology. This is  the first institution in India explicitly devoted to  research, training, translation & service and capacity - building in biomedical genomics.

Applications are invited for the positions of Project Linked Persons for extramural projects to be executed by the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani. Selected applicants will be appointed for a period of one year. The tenure of appointment may be extended depending on performance and availability of funds.

Experimental Laboratory Manager (2)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 60,000/- to 80,000/-
Essential Qualifications
(1) PhD in Genomics or a related discipline,
(2) Minimum 5 years of experience of working on high-throughput genomics platforms, (3) Past experience in management of biological laboratory,
(4) Strong letters of recommendation from previous employers/supervisors
DesirableQualifications :
(1) Degree/Diploma in Management;
(2) Conversance with Quality Assurance and GLP;
(3) Proven track record of independent academic work and leadership;
(4) Two years' experience in management of a service laboratory
Nature of Duty :
(1) Management and coordination (including hands on work) of laboratory facilities, execution of projects in time bound manner,
(2) Implementation of Quality Assurance and GLP measures


Database Manager (1)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 60,000/- to 80,000/-
Essential Qualifications
(1) B.Tech/M. Tech/MCA degree or equivalent in computer science or a related discipline,
(2) Proven track record of experience in management of large relational databases and relevant programming/scripting languages
Desirable Qualifications :
(1) Experience in high performance cluster computing
Nature of Duty :
(1) Operations and management of all database, software, server and systems

Technical Specialist Tier-2 (4)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 25,000/- to 40,000/
Essential Qualifications
(1)MSc or equivalent (or BSc with 3 years laboratory experience) in Genetics/Life Sciences/Biochemistry/related discipline;
(2) Minimum 3 years of experience of working with high-throughput genomics platforms.
Desirable Qualifications :
(1) Experience in whole genome/targeted sequencing, RNA-Seq, GWAS and Methylation Array
(2) Experience in DNA and RNA isolation from archived biospecimens e.g. FFPE tissue
Nature of Duty :
Hands-on massively parallel sequencing, microarray laboratory work and instrument operations as well as other related laboratory activities

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Data Analyst - Tier-2 (4)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 25,000/- to 40,000/
Essential Qualifications
(1) First Class B.Tech/M. Tech degree or equivalent in computer science / Bioinformatics or a related discipline
(2) Minimum 2 years of experience in analysis of massively parallel DNA sequencing data
Desirable Qualifications :
(1) Handling of software packages and genomic databases
(2) Experience in handling large volume DNA sequence / genotyping data in large projects
Nature of Duty :
(1) QA/QC and analysis of raw sequence data generated by massively parallel DNA sequencing platforms,
(2) Programing, design and operation of massively parallel DNA sequencing data analysis pipelines


Administrative Coordinator (1)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 30,000/- to 40,000/
Essential Qualifications
(1) MSc or equivalent in Life Sciences or related subject
Desirable Qualifications :
(1) Good written and oral communications skills
(2) Experience in procurement of laboratory reagents (3) Masters in Business Administration or equivalent
Nature of Duty :
(1) Administrative management of facilities, (2) Procurement and handling of shipment clearances of reagents
(3) Documentation support
(4) Coordination with collaborating organizations

ICGC – India Project [Project Code: 202094 ]
The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) has been launched to coordinate large-scale cancer genome studies in tumours from 50 different cancer types that are of clinical and societal importance across the globe. The Indian initiative of the ICGC is on gingivo-buccal oral cancer (GBOC).The ICGC Laboratory of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics is the site of genomic analyses of the initiative, which consists of next generation sequencing, genome wide scan and related activities. We are looking for motivated and bright individuals interested to explore career opportunities in these high throughput cutting edges laboratory technologies in genomics for the technical positions as follows. These positions are contractual and appointments will be initially given for one year, which are extendable depending upon performance and requirements of the project.

Technical Specialist (2)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 18,000/- to 25,000/-
Essential Qualifications
(1)MSc or equivalent (or BSc with 3 years laboratory experience) in Genetics/Life Sciences/Biochemistry/related discipline; (2) Minimum 2 years of experience in genomics laboratory work
Desirable Qualifications :
(1)Hands-on experience in massively parallel sequencing/ Sanger-CE sequencing/ microarray based genotyping or gene expression
Nature of Duty :
Hands-on massively parallel sequencing laboratory work and instrument operations as well as other related laboratory activities

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Data Analyst (2)
Nature of Position :  Contractual [Initial appointment for 1 year]
Consolidated Retainer Fee [INR] Per Month : 18,000/- to 25,000/-
Essential Qualifications
(1)M.Tech, MSc or equivalent in Computer Science/Computer Applications/ Bioinformatics or a related discipline (2)Proficiency in programming in C/C++ or python (3) Prior experience in high-throughput data (NGS) handling.
Desirable Qualifications :
(1)Handling of software packages and databases (2)Experience in handling DNA sequence/genotyping data
Nature of Duty :
QA/QC and analysis of raw sequence data generated by massively parallel DNA sequencing platforms, programming, design and operation of massively parallel DNA sequencing data analysis pipelines

Interested and eligible candidates may email their recent Biodata in the specified format clearly mentioning the name of the position in the subject line of the e-mail to

Receipt of applications will close at 5 P.M. on 16/04/2017.An applicant can apply for only one position. Call letters to attend screening test and /or interview will be sent only to the short-listed candidates by Email only. No correspondence will be made with applicants who are not shortlisted /not called for screening test and /or interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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