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Applications are invited for Project fellow at HNB Garhwal University

Clinical research courses

Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha was the visionary who conceptulised the Indian Nuclear Programme and along with a handful of Scientists initiated the nuclear science research in India in March, 1944. He envisaged the vast potential of nuclear energy and its possible successful utilization in the field of power generation and allied areas. Dr. Bhabha started working with the goal of achieving self reliance in the fields of nuclear science and engineering and today’s Department of Atomic Energy which is a consortium of different and diversified fields of science and engineering is the final outcome of the farsighted planning of Dr. Bhabha.

Post : Project fellow

Applications are invited for a purely temporary position of Project fellow (01) for a major research project entitled “Small angle Neutron scattering study of the interaction between drug and cyclodextrins in drug-cyclodextrin complexes” funded by UGC-DAE CSR, Mumbai in collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai initially for a period of 1 year (likely to be extended up to 3 years till the duration of project) in the fellowship as prescribed by the UGC-DAE Consortium of Scientific Research (CSR) Mumbai.

The appointment shall be purely temporary and will terminate automatically without any notice or compensation on termination of the research scheme and the appointed person shall have no claim of appointment/absorption in UGC-DAE CSR. Qualification for Project Fellow

The candidate must have M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) with minimum 55 % marks. The candidate with over all good academic record, relevant knowledge, publications and report writing skills shall be preferred.


The interested candidates may send their C.V. through e-mail to and must appear in walk-in interview on March, 27, 2017 at 11:00 am in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chauras Campus, Srinagar (Garhwal).

No separate interview letter will be issued and no TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. Candidate should produce all the original documents along with one set of photocopies at the time of interview.

No interim correspondence will be entertained.

Dr Ajay Semalty
Principal Investigator
CRS project- UGC-DAE CSR
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chauras campus
HNB Garhwal (Central) University Srinagar (Garhwal)

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