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Walk in interview for the post of Pharmacist in Office of Civil Surgeon, Rohtak - 2 posts

Clinical research courses

Following staff is to be appointed on contract basis for Poly Clinic, Rohtak up to 31.3.2014 (which may be further renewed if required) the terms and conditions are given below:-

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 02- GEN

I. D. Pharma from recognized Institute.
II. Minimum one year experience is desirable

Age Limit: Up to 55 Years

Honorarium (Per Month): Rs. 10340/-

1) The applicants should apply on prescribed Application Performa available from the O/o Civil Surgeon, Rohtak on payment of Rs. 200/- only.

2) If a candidate applies for more than one post, he/she shall have to apply on separate application forms.

3) Filled applications complete in all respects along with photocopies of all relevant certificates (proof of residence is must) should reach in the office of Civil Surgeon, Rohtak by 23-12-2013 up to 5:00 PM.

4) Number of posts can be increased / decreased or can be completely withdrawn.

5) Wrong / incomplete information will be a disqualification and may be rejected straightaway.

6) No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview and tests etc.

7) Preference will be given to the local candidates.

8) Experienced candidates will be given weightage.

9) Reservation of posts will be as per Govt. rules. However, in case of non-availability of candidates from concerned category, posts may be filled up from general category also.

10) It is mandatory for the staff to maintain Head Quarter.

11) Candidate can be posted anywhere in the District Rohtak in case of exigencies.

12) No separate letter will be sent for interview.

13) The candidate seeking selection under Ex-servicemen category will have to deposit eligibility certificate from respective Zila Sainik Board to become eligible.

14) Candidate should reach for written test, if any and interview with all original documents/certificates in Office of Civil Surgeon, Rohtak at 09:00 AM as per following schedule:
Date of Interview:
Date of interview may be extended if number of candidates exceeds in limits

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