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Walk in for M.Pharm, M.Sc for position of Studentship and Traineeship under DBT funded BIF of Assam University - 2 posts

Clinical research courses

Assam University came into existence through Assam (Central) University Act, 1989. It was established in 1994, since then  the University is steadily becoming  an excellent centre of learning. The campus, situated in Dargakona, about 20 kms from  Silchar, is set amid sprawling hillocks, a typical landscape in the North East. The campus  in an area of  600 acres surrounded by lakes and mountains provides  an ideal environment for academic pursuit.
Drawing its 230 plus faculty from many disciplines, from all over the country, the university sustains a multidisciplinary approach to higher education.

A Walk-in interview is scheduled to be held on 20th December 2013 at 01:30pm in the Room No. 204, Bioinformatics Centre, Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar for the following purely temporary position of Studentship and Traineeship under DBT funded Bioinformatics Centre (BIF) of Assam University, Silchar. The candidates may drop their RESUME to the undersigned in

Post: Studentship, Traineeship

1. Traineeship – 01 (one post) purely temporary for a period of six months.
Salary: Rs.5000/- p.m. fixed.
Essential Qualification: Post Graduate degree in any Life Science subjects or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medical Sciences.
Desirable Qualification: Prior knowledge of bioinformatics and programming languages such as C, HTML, PHP, SQL etc. and software/database development.

2. Studentship – 01 (one post) purely temporary for a period of six months.
Salary: Rs.5000/- p.m. fixed.
Essential Qualification: Pursuing Post Graduate degree in any Life Science subjects or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medical Sciences. PGDBI students will be given preference.
Desirable Qualification: Prior knowledge of basic bioinformatics.

* No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
* The stipend/salary amount is subject to the sanction of DBT, New Delhi.

Prof. M. Dutta Choudhury
Bioinformatics Centre (DBT-BIF)
Assam University, Silchar


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